Uplands Primary School

Whole School Blog

Uplands Got Talent

Our annual talent show has come around again and what an impressive range of talent we had on show this year! There was singing, dancing, DJing, pogo stick jumping, gymnastics, magic tricks, football skills, Taekwondo and comedy - what more could you ask for? And all hosted beautifully by our very own Ant and Dec. It was a perfect celebration of all our children’s unique talents.


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DT Enrichment Week

On Friday, we ended our brilliant Come Dine With Me week with a tasting session for parents to come in and enjoy what we had been making. Across the school, we had made soup, bread, a pasta dish and scones. We had a brilliant week!

On Wednesday, the children had a food tasting morning where they explored different foods from around the world, including Indian, South Korean and Japanese. They also tried lots of different bread flavours - we all thought the chocolate bread was particularly yummy!

World Down Syndrome Day

Today, to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, we had the pleasure of having Hester visit our school and deliver a brilliant assembly. She was fabulous and we all learnt some Makaton and left having a better understanding of Down Syndrome. I have added the PowerPoint she used below so you can all learn as much as we did! Thank you, Hester!

World Book Day 2024

We have enjoyed a brilliant World Book Day - we’ve dressed up as words, brought in our toilet roll characters and taken part in a very busy Big Book Swap! See if you can figure out which words we’ve dressed up as and who our toilet roll characters are. Thank you to every one who took part!

Dance and Gymnastics Assembly March 2024


Enjoy some videos of our latest dance and gymnastics assembly. The children organised their routines themselves and practised at home - they did a brilliant job!


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World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, we invited everyone to come into school for a reading breakfast.  We shared all our favourite books over a croissant or two!



Uplands School Song

The pupils at Uplands School enjoyed creating this amazing song to represent our core values, the song was written and directed by a local song writer. We hope you enjoy listening to their performance.

Careers Week April 2022

This week the pupils at Uplands Community Primary School have had a fabulous week thinking about what they might do in the future. A few weeks ago we were surprised to see posters advertising staff vacancies appear around the school! The children decided to apply for the jobs that appealed to them and wrote very convincing, persuasive letters. This Tuesday, all of the children received a written reply to their application and discovered what their roles in the school would be.

Wednesday 6th April

This afternoon, all of the children had the opportunity to complete the job that they had been appointed for. We had cleaners, teachers, teaching assistants, deputy headteachers, headteachers, lunchtime supervisors, school business managers and even Ofsted inspectors! The children were brilliant and really enjoyed this unique experience. We were so impressed with the way that they were able to demonstrate teamwork, use of initiative and communication skills. The Ofsted inspections were very thorough and certainly gave us food for thought! 

Thursday 7th April

This afternoon we had visitors from our local community to talk about their different jobs. The children loved hearing about the different options open to them in the future including song writing, journalism, joining the police force, nursing, carpentry, becoming an artist or a doctor. At the end of the afternoon we all joined a Zoom call with Luke McGee from Forest Green Rovers. Thank you so much to all of our visitors today, you have given our children a really unique experience that they will never forget!

Friday 8th April 2022

Our amazing week ended with all of the children (and staff) coming to school dressed as their dream profession. What a fantastic week we have all had!

Red Nose Day Friday 19th March

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A message from the School Council

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Christmas Jumper Day Friday 11th December

Friday 13th November

Children In Need

Today we supported Children in Need by paying a donation to wear whatever we wanted to. Well done to the School Council for organising such a fun event!

21st October 2020

Rainbow Run 


The children and staff had a wonderful afternoon taking part in Uplands School first Rainbow Run. Brightly coloured clothes were worn and children loved the opportunity to run at full pelt around the playground! We were so impressed with the children who tried their best and kept on going. Huge thanks must got to Mrs Knight and James from Atlas Sports for arranging such a fun event. We look forward to seeing what you organise next!



Golden Assembly 17.07.20

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Golden Assembly

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Golden Assembly 03.07.20

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Apologies for the appalling singing by Mrs Collins!

Golden Assembly 26.06.20

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Morgan's Poem

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Zoom Golden Assembly 19.06.20

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Welcome to our first Golden Assembly!

It was lovely to be able to finally connect across classes, even if it was only virtually! We apologise for the quality of pictures and sounds in some classrooms- this will improve as we get used to using Zoom. 

Zoom Golden Assembly 12.06.20

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Hollie's Poem

Owen K has written a fabulous story!

Phoebe K has typed up her own poem.

Week Commencing 11th May Home Learning Examples

Week Commencing 4th May Home Learning Examples

Week Commencing 4th May 2020

We hope that you are all well and have enjoyed the weekend. Did you manage to correctly guess the staff babies on the newsletter?

Here are the answers...

Week Commencing 27th April 2020

Well done everyone, another successful week completed in these crazy times! The teachers have enjoyed chatting to you all this week and are glad that you are all keeping safe. Once again we have updated our plans for you to use next week- please see below. Remember, these are suggestions in order to give you detailed information and a structure to your day. It is absolutely fine to intepret these in your own way in order to suit the needs of your children.

Abbie's Amazing Writing

Mrs Tedaldi-Chestnutt was so impressed by Abbie's amazing writing, she has asked for it to be put on the website. Abbie was inspired by a video on Literacy Shed about a man called Mr Botte who is a shoemaker. Abbie wrote a diary from the viewpoint of Mr Botte and it is amazing! Well done Abbie!

Term 5, Week 2 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday!

Term 5 Week 2: Tuesday

Term 5 Week 2: Monday

Week Commencing 20.4.20


Welcome to the start of Term 5. We now know that we will be staying at home for at least another three weeks and so the teachers have put together a more detailed daily plan for you to follow to support your learning. The timetables are available below and on class blog pages.

Please be assured that we recognise that home learning can be difficult, so these are suggested timetables to give you and your child a daily structure and extra detail about learning. The most important thing to us at Uplands is that you are all safe and thriving. Use this guidance where it is helpful to you and your child but feel free to explore other learning and interests where you see the need. As ever, we would love to find out about what you are doing so email it over to 


Ewan has had a maths challenge published this week!

Day 4 and 5, Term 5

Day 3, Term 5

Day 2, Term 5

Day 1, Term 5

Week Commencing 30.3.20

Well done, you have made it through the first week of staying at home! Looking at the photographs you have been sending in, it is clear that you are upholding our values of Aspiring, Belonging and Creative even when you aren't in school. The range of creative activities that you have completed are absolutely amazing and the standard of recorded work that you are producing is really high.

All of the staff miss you but are happy that you are safe and well.

Day 4 and 5, Week 2

Day 3, Week 2

Day 2, Week 2

Day 1, Week 2

Week Commencing 23rd March

Today is the first week of a challenging time for us all. The staff at Uplands school are so proud of all of our pupils who are clearly working hard at home and making the very best of a difficult situation. We would also like to thank the parents for supporting their children with their learning and for sending in updates to us. Below is a selection of the pictures and messages sent to Mrs Collins so far. Keep sending them in please!


Amazing Home Learning Day 5

Amazing Home Learning Day 4

Amazing Home Learning Day 2 and 3

Amazing Home Learning Day 1

Environment Week 10th-14th February 2020


What a lovely time we are having this week! During our Monday assembly the children discovered that we could not afford to buy solar panels for our school. We discussed what we could do about this and have started making products for our market stall on Friday.

Today (Wednesday) we have worked across the school in our teams to create resources for our march tomorrow. It always gives us such pride to see our children independently displaying our Learning Powers of respect, relate, persevere, reach and curious. 

Cattle Country


We had a fantastic end to our school year with our trip to Cattle Country.  The children jumped, ran, whizzed, slid and climbed together for the day and their brilliant behaviour did us all proud. They looked out for each other, encouraged each other and celebrated each other’s successes. We couldn’t do a big trip like this without our parent helpers - so thank you to all who came to help. The trip ended with Mr Lucas living up to his promise to go down the death slide (enjoy the video of this below).  We wish everyone a really restful summer break and look forward to seeing you back at school in September.




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The Great Spring Clean 2019

On Saturday 23rd March a merry band of volunteers turned up at school to take part in the Uplands Spring Clean. After two hours of back breaking work (plus a few breaks for coffee and doughnuts) many areas of the playground were transformed!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part, your help is HUGELY appreciated!




Enterprise Week 11.2.19-115.2.19

This week we are raising money for Uplands Playgroup to help them renovate their toilets. 


The whole school stayed in their Teams all day and rotated through different activities linked to raising money. These activities included playing Monopoly, running an imaginary zoo, competing in Dragon's Den and creating adverts for different products.


Today many of us are making the products that we are going to sell at our school sale or in Shambles market on Friday.


Today the Merlins and Owls classes went to visit Waitrose. They found out a great deal about marketing and the differing price of a banana within the store! Kestrels have continued to make products for the Big Enterprise Sale on Friday and have run a car wash all day. The Eagles are now OBSESSED with tie- dye and have made a huge range of items for their stall at the Shambles market on Friday morning.

World Book Day 2018


A fantastic (half!) day was had by all as we celebrated World Book Day with a trip to Hogwarts.  The children made their way in through platform 9 3/4 into the great hall where they were sorted into the four houses by Professor Dumbledore and his sorting hat.  They took part in a range of activities including making wizard ID cards, a marauders secret map, quills and wands and an extremely exciting potions lesson in the library which was truly transformed for the day as well as being visited by some flying, feathered friends in their Care of Magical Creatures lesson!  Thank you to everyone who was involved with sorting out costumes and we hope the children had as memorable time as we did.  As you can see from the photographs, it was a day filled with surprises and magical moments!


Our wonderful cheerleading and dance club were in action yesterday at Cheltenham Town Hall taking part in the annual dance festival with a host of other primary school's from all over Gloucestershire. The theme was fairy tales and I think you'll agree that there Shrek inspired dance really got them in the spirit! Thank you to everyone who helped by providing a costume or going along to support them. Well done dance club!

World Book Day 2018!


This year we have decided to celebrate World Book Day, On Thursday 1st March, with a whole school Harry Potter theme.  We will transform the school into Hogwarts for the day so the children can take part in themed activities and can come dressed up as their favourite character if they have one.  If they have not read Harry Potter, then we are hoping our day will inspire them to find out more and continue to encourage the love of reading we have been fostering all year!  If you do not fancy being a wizard for the day then how about being a Muggle (human being!)?! or one of the many animal characters (rat, cat, snake, owl, spider etc or even centaur if you are feeling ambitious!), you could be Harry, Ron or Hermione in their everyday clothing or maybe a house elf, goblin or dragon!? There are lots of ideas online and we hope you have fun - look out for some Hogwarts teachers roaming the corridors...

Dressing Up Day!


On Friday, the children (and grown-ups at home!) all made a fantastic effort to dress up as what they want to be when they grow up.  We had all sorts of professions including a whole host of teachers, engineers, secret agents, police officers, astronauts, authors, a ventriloquist, an accountant and even unicorns!  The children spent the day in their teams and took part in activities including singing, dancing, drama, collaborative and digital art all based around the theme of the week.


Finally, the Year 6 children were head teachers for the day and they carried out a range of duties including patrolling the corridors, typing up the newsletter, drinking coffee and running the golden celebration assembly where they even managed to remember to include some of Mr Lucas' terrible jokes! 


What a great end to a fantastic week!



On Thursday, Merlins and Owls visited the Made in Stroud shop where they had chance to look at all the local products as well as stamping their own paper bag and gift tag.  Eagles had a very exciting trip on the train to Gloucester rugby stadium where they had a tour of the facilities and even got to sit in first class in true commuter style!

When I Grow Up Week!

On Wednesday, we were busy with more visitors - an engineer from Renishaw who amazed the children by proving that there really are inventors working on our doorstep in Stroud!  The owner of 'Made in Stroud' came in and talked about how you can run a business whilst looking after the environment by selling local goods and finally a librarian who convinced us that working in a library is far more complicated than it seems!  Each and every person the children have met this week has proved to them that finding something you love and following your ambitions is worth all the effort - a real inspiration for them in the future.


In the afternoon, the children began to 'take over the school!' As you can see, the Year 5 children really took to cleaning and worked very hard - particularly on those high cobwebs.  Kestrels, Owls and Merlins all had a go at being teachers - they seemed to enjoy wearing ID cards and moving people up to silver and gold most of all.  Between you and me, I think they may have realised just how hard it is to be a teacher after all...

Eagles Trip to Gloucester Rugby stadium


On the 8th of February, Eagles class went on a school trip to Gloucester Rugby stadium. They caught a train at around 11am. However, the train had no coach C so we went in first class. The seats were so extraordinarily comfy and super wide each one even had a table where you could plug wires in. We stopped at Gloucester, then everyone walked the rest of the way there.

The stadium part 1

In the stadium the Tour Guide showed the way around. Eventually a fire alarm went off but in fact a sausage roll was burning. But the first thing that happened was, the Tour Guide led us to a room to have our lunch. Then she lead us to the main room (which smelled a little bit), she talked a little bit about what goes on there: entertainment, there’s a food bar/drinks bar. Then she led us to the changing room. We also went to a bigger part of the changing room and there were: ice baths, a VT screen and a white board to see what they did wrong before.

The stadium part II

After all that, we got to go out on the pitch and had another great experience, we got to the oldest part of the stadium. It had players of the year’s award boards on all the of the walls going from 1873 to 2017. The great building was at least the size of our school hall.

After that we got into another class room. This one didn’t look much different to our one at Eagle’s class. We learnt about all the jobs at Gloucester rugby including: players/chefs/entertainment and more.

The train ride back

It wasn’t as exciting as on the way there but we still had a lot of fun.

And so ended another successful fun packed trip.

By Headteachers Mr Timofejevs Berztiss and Mr Kelleher

Takeover day

On Monday the y6’s went for interviews for jobs around the school. We had a choice of every job except the teachers because the younger classes were teaching each other. As this week was our enrichment week, the theme was about jobs and what we wanted to be when we were older. I interviewed for 3 jobs but only had 2 interviews. Because, Mr Lucas was interviewing for golden assembly and head teacher, while Mrs Moore was interviewing for cleaner, midday supervisors (lunch ladies) and office workers. Whilst having to answer questions, Mrs Moore made everyone she interviewed also do a task, that is relevant to the job of course. I was interviewed for gold awards (in golden assembly on Friday), midday supervisor and headteacher. On Tuesday morning we all found out what jobs we had been accepted for. I got accepted into the role of midday supervisor and head teacher, which I share with Jessica, Jarod, Milo and Noah.


Then, on Wednesday we all came in bouncing as high as a kite. First off, in the morning Jessica went out to be head teacher also Alfie and Connor went to do office work. During this, the rest of the class had an engineer come in from Renishaw. She was there on an apprentice program. She showed us a few prototypes that they had made with a 3D metal printer. After break we had the lady that owned Made in Stroud come in and talk to us. Me and Emily Seager had to leave earlier than the rest of the class so that we could eat our lunch first. We did that because we were going to be the midday supervisors. The actual midday supervisors had to do the Merlins dinners because we were still eating our lunch. I was the first one to call up the Kestrels on red bands. Me and Emily took it in turns to shake the tambourine and call up the classes. I ended up doing the greeting it was really embarrassing but also fun.


After lunch the y5’s started to clean the school while the y6’s and the Merlins taught the other year groups (y1, y2, y3, y4) obstacle courses that we had practised making the day before. That’s all we have done so far for our enrichment week.

By Miss Williams, Headteacher.

Headteachers Miss Smith and Mr Thompson have written about the week so far. 


On the 6th of February we had some visitors round and one of them was an outdoor instructor who told us all about his job. He did lots of things including: kayaking, jumping of high rocks into water and survival skills, like knowing how to gut a fish. We were able to interact, and try to lift the boat along with other things (we could also help with the fish.) It was very interesting and I think everyone enjoyed it, very inspirational! by Miss Jessica Smith, Headteacher


People That Work Hard


Yesterday, three very hard working people came to our school: two politicians, a firefighter and a bush craft person. When we had the politicians in, which was part of the Labour party, they discussed what happened in their office and what they did in their job: one of them made the meetings for David Drew!

Next a firefighter came in and her name was Tammie, she did a demonstration on how to use a fire extinguisher. She used two types of fire extinguishers: a water one and a CO2 one, and that was very cold when you used it. Then she came into our class and showed us her kit, which was very hot, and let us try it on. There was: an oxygen mask, a visor helmet, a fire proof tunic and fire proof trousers. It was really fun.

After lunch, we had a man called Alex who did bush craft and survival things. He then took us to the hall and showed us his equipment (it was really expensive). His equipment was followed by: A Kayak and a wearable towel. After, he showed us how to gut a fish (if you are squeamish move to the end paragraph). First he cut the head slightly, then he cut the belie and ripped the head down and that took the guts out. After he got rid of some blood, which he called a blood canal, and washed the fish.

Mr Thompson, Headteacher

Day Two - Enrichment Week 


The children had a fascinating day finding out about what it is like to work in a range of different jobs today, including:

A Cinema Visitor

Two Politicians

A Firefighter

An Outdoor Adventurer


They heard a whole host of stories, asked questions, got to try on equipment and even had a go at using a real fire extinguisher!


Videos will follow shortly in our Uplands videos section.


Check back tomorrow to see what else we have been up to in our enrichment week.


'When I Grow Up' Enrichment Week!


We kicked our enrichment week off with a bang today.  Kestrels went on an exciting trip to Bristol Aerospace Museum where they looked at old aeroplanes, satellites and helicopters and even got to sit on Concord!  They also took part in an engineers of the future workshop where they made rockets and launched them as high as they could!  We hope this has been an inspiring day for them all.  Meanwhile, back at school, Merlins, Owls and the Y6 children visited 'Craft@TheCentre' where they were lucky enough to see a range of artists at work including pottery, leatherwork and sculpture.  They found out what it is really like to be a professional artist and heard about how different people have pursued art as a career and followed their dreams. 

As well as that, the Y6 children were put through their paces by Mr Lucas and Mrs Moore who carried out interviews for the roles of head teacher, midday supervisor, cleaner and office staff.  The children had to answer a range of interview questions and even carry out a practical task to prove their worth!  They all did a brilliant job and thoroughly enjoyed acting like grown-ups for the afternoon.  There will be a letter waiting for them tomorrow morning letting them know if they have been successful with their application or not!  Well done Year 6s and good luck!

Bristol Aerospace Museum - Kestrels


Year 6 Interviews



Every week the children have a bit of a sing song in our singing assemblies. This week we decided to record their beautiful singing for you to enjoy at home. 

This Ones For You

Try Everything

History made by Year 5/6's fantastic footballers


Massive well done to the Year 5/6 footballers for getting into the FINALS of the Riddiford Shield Indoor Football Tournament!



Welcome to the whole school blogging page.

Here you will find updates on some of the things we do in school all together.  

Be Kind

Be Yourself

Be Part of Our Community


Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

