Miss Dempster, Mrs Ponting, Mr Powell and Mrs Croft
Miss Dempster - Monday to Thursday
Mrs Ponting - Wednesday to Friday
Mr Powell - Monday and Tuesday mornings Year 5
In Eagles, we encourage the children to be independent and confident learners. We support their growing maturity by giving them a number of important roles around the school. Please come and speak to us or contact us on the email address above if you have any questions about Eagles Class.
Maths Homework:
Your child will be set maths homework on Prodigy (www.prodigygame.com) 3x per week.
Children are expected to read at home at least four times a week and this should include reading out loud to an adult as well as to themselves as this is still an important skill. Reading diaries should be brought in on Monday and signed by an adult to show reading has been completed. It is your child’s responsibility to take their diary to and from school.
The children will have PE on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. They will need to wear their PE kit to school on this day. During the Autumn Term, the children will be walking to swimming every Monday. They will need to have with them their swimming costume, towel, goggles (optionable) and a snack. They will also need a waterproof coat. We also run the Daily Mile every day, so sensible shoes that they can run in need to be worn every day.
Knowledge Organiser
Every term we create a knowledge organiser which contains all of the key facts that the children need to know for science and humanities. This will be sent home at the beginning of every term. This is so you can support your child recalling the key knowledge that will support their work in class.