Uplands Nursery is opening on 3rd March 2025, please contact us for further information and a registration form
Uplands Primary School

Early Help

At Uplands Primary School, we recognise there are times for all families when they may benefit from some outside help. Some of the situations that could mean you need some additional support include a member of the family suffering from mental health difficulties; a marital break-up; domestic violence within the family; drug and alcohol misuse; financial difficulties and homelessness.  As a school, there are things we can do to support your family and outside agencies we can make referrals to for further, more specialised support.


Some of the outside agencies we can make referrals to include:

  • Gloucestershire’s Early Help Team
  • Gloucestershire’s Social Services Team
  • CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • Winston’s Wish (bereavement support)
  • School Nurse Services
  • School Counsellor
  • Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service
  • The Door (Youth charity).


We would like families to feel able to speak to any member of staff about the difficulties they are going through.  All matters will be dealt with in a confidential and sensitive way with the child’s well-being at the heart of everything we do.  Please see our Early Help Policy for further details.

Safeguarding Leads


Designated Safeguarding Lead: James Powell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Kate Dempster

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Ella Moore

Be Kind

Be Yourself

Be Part of Our Community


Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

