Uplands Nursery is opening on 3rd March 2025, please contact us for further information and a registration form
Uplands Primary School

How do we raise money?


How Do We Raise Money?

We regularly run fund-raising events and activities, throughout the school year. The PTA are responsible for organising:

  • Autumn Craft Fayre
  • Hallowe’en Disco
  • Christmas Fayre
  • Children’s Christmas Cards
  • Valentine's Day Cake Sale
  • Easter Fayre
  • May Disco
  • Monkey Trail
  • Summer Sizzle

In addition to this we sell ice creams and healthy treats after school on Fridays during the summer term.


Pre-loved Uniform Stall

The PTA also raises money by accepting donations of items of school uniform and selling them at a set price of £1 per item. The stall is usually set-up at our events, as well as occasionally at school pick-up. However, if at any time you would like to either buy or donate any items, please speak to any of the active members or contact us via the school office.

Be Kind

Be Yourself

Be Part of Our Community


Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

