Welcome to Merlins!
Merlins staff team
Mrs McCaughey is the class teacher. Mrs Knight covers Mrs McCaughey's PPA on a Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Knight also works with our class on Thursday and Friday mornings. Mrs Clements works as a 1:1 TA in our class.
Our learning
In Reception we follow termly topics, the children's interests and facilitate learning experiences through play. We have an outside learning area where children can explore and develop their interests in addition to the classroom. They can get messy in the mud kitchen, wet in water tray, look after nature and play imaginatively!
Home learning
We ask you read with your child at least four times a week and practice phonic flashcards daily.
Snack time
Children will be provided with fruit each day. They should also bring a bottle of water (rather than juice/squash).
To see more about the Merlins class, take a look at the Merlins blog page which is updated with information about the children's learning regularly.
Knowledge Organiser
Every term we create a knowledge organiser which contains the key information that we want the children to learn in our science and humanities topic. It would be really helpful if you could discuss the information with your child. This term our topic is 'This Is Me.' Please see below for a copy of our knowledge organiser.