Welcome to Owls!
Teacher: Miss Nicholas
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Knight, Mrs Day-Lewis, Mrs Giles, Miss Pinto and Mrs Parry
Welcome to the Owls class page where you will find out all about day to day life in our class.
A typical day in Owls starts with a handwriting session, where we focus on our new vocabulary for the week. After our school assembly we start with English and then have a 10 minute session focusing on our class poems. Once the children come in from break we get straight into a 30 minute phonics session, followed by Maths. In the afternoons, we get chance to learn about science, geography and history through our current topic.
Key information
We have PE every Wednesday and Friday afternoon
We ask that children read at least four times a week at home as this makes a huge difference to their progress. We will aim to read once a week with your child in school and they will have the opportunity to change their book with us. They will also take part in a weekly guided reading session.
To see more about what we have been up to each week, take a look at our blog page where you will find photos and weekly updates!
Any questions please feel free to come in and ask :)
Knowledge Organiser
Every term we create a knowledge organiser that contains the key information that we want to learn in our science and humanities. This term our topic is animals! Please see below for a copy of our knowledge organiser.
The document below shows you a timetable of all the lessons that we cover in Owls during the week.