Uplands Primary School

Eagles Blog

Happy summer holidays everyone!

We wish all the year 6 children the very best of luck in their new secondary schools - you will all be missed very much!

Year 5 DT - Bridge Making

The year 5s have worked hard this week designing and making their bridges. Can you spot the different types? We have suspension bridges, truss bridges and a tied arch bridge. We had to carefully measure, use saws and hot glue guns (and Miss Dempster only burnt herself twice!).

Wagamama Trip

Monday 1st - Friday 5th July

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Bridge making in DT

Monday 24th - Friday 28th June


Hello everyone welcome back to the weekly update of Eagles class. On Thursday morning (yesterday morning) the Year 5s went to Archway for an activity morning - take a look at the photos below.

The year 6 have been doing scratch with the year 5s and we have also made a start on the play year 6 play. In maths, we have been working hard on learning different angles and looking at different tables (including line graphs).

In topic, we have been learning about the Greek Alphabet system and made our own secret messages for our partner to solve. In PE, we have continued to work on our throwing and catching skills and even played a big rounders match with Kestrels class.



Have a great week and enjoy the summer sizzle!


 From Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney!


Year 5 Activity Morning at Archway

Monday 17th - Friday 21st June

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Monday 3rd - Friday 7th June


Hello everyone and welcome back to Eagles blog! I’ve hope you had some peace over the half term, now we will tell you what us Eagles have been doing!


This week in writing, we have been writing descriptive settings and including lots of different words to create atmosphere.


In maths, we have been learning about different angles: acute, right, obtuse, reflex and angles on a straight line.


In computing, we have continued to learn more on scratch about variables and how they can be changed. In history, we learnt about different artefacts including coins, jewellery, pottery and statues. 

In art, we have carried on with with our backing for our graffiti name and in P.E, we learnt how to play shonk ball. 

Have a great weekend from Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.




Monday 13th - Friday 17th July

Welcome to Eagles news. In our blog today we will tell you what we have done this week.

All the year 6 children have worked really hard and persevered this week with SATS; they all enjoyed celebrating with pizza, ice cream and a movie! Take a look at the photos below. 

In topic, Eagles have been learning all about self-confidence in PSHE and have also started a Banksy inspired art piece. In PE, all the children took part in some athletic races - it was great fun!


Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!


From Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney



Tuesday 7th - Friday 10th May


Hello everyone, welcome back to our weekly blog. Read on for nourishing news from Eagles...


Magnificent Maths

In maths the Yr6s have been revising (a lot) for SATS next week (wish us good luck-not that we need it). The Yr5s have been learning how to calculate the area of shapes; they have also done LBQ (learning by questions).


Enchanting English

In English we have been writing our stories based of the video Alma about a girl turning into a doll, as well as that the Yr6s have been revising SPAG and playing lots of fun games based on reality game shows (it got competitive).


Amazing Art

During art we have been discovery facts about Banksy and turning those facts into posters. We also had a debate on whether graffiti is art or vandalism, what do you think?


Violet Vocab

In vocab this week we have learnt loads of new words:












Perfect PSHE 

During PSHE, we made posters describing how five ways to well-being contribute to a healthy lifestyle. For example; being active, giving to others, learning new skills, take notice and connecting with friends and family.


Hope you enjoy your weekend and enjoy the sunshine! ☀️ 


From Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.











Monday 29th - Friday 3rd May

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Monday 22nd - Friday 26th April


Hello everyone, welcome back to our blog. We hope you’ve had a great week.


In maths this week, year 6 have been interpreting line graphs and pie charts and the year 5 children have learnt how to multiply factions by a whole number. 

In English, we made up our own mythical creature and have started to plan a set of instructions which will tell you how to capture our mythical beasts, including: a what you need list, ordered instructions, extra facts and top tips.


In the afternoons, we have continued to look at Ancient Greece and also other periods of history. In art, we have started to look at street art and graffiti, looking at the work of Banksy, Keith Haring and many more. We also had an interesting class discussion about whether we think certain types of graffiti is art or vandalism. In PE, we have been doing lots of athletics; learning how to properly run a relay race, pacing ourselves in long distance running and much more.


Hope you have a great weekend!


Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.




Monday 15th - Friday 19th April


Hello and welcome back to our blog.


This week in Eagles class, we have been writing our own newspaper report based on a traditional fairytale. 

In maths, the year 6 children have been working hard on algebra and the year 5s have been subtracting fractions - tricky stuff!

In topic this week, we have researched significant events during Ancient Greece and created a class timeline. 

In PSHE we have been learning about drugs and how they affect people, we have also been learning about our lives in the future. In Music, we have been learning to play the ukulele. This week we were learning the notes C, F and G.

Moving onto PE. In PE, we have been doing athletics, including hurdles, running styles, throwing beanbags, fast jumping and long jumps.


This Wednesday, Atlas Sports hosted a Girls football competition. Upland’s team of 8 won all but one of their games, losing in the semi-finals. Luckily, they got bronze medals by drawing with Thrupp school. Hooray!


Hope you have a great weekend from Lily J, Dahlia and Ella.





Monday 8th - Friday 12th April

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Happy Easter Everyone!

See you back on Monday 8th April.

Egyptian Dance


Our PE unit this term has been dance. The children have choreographed their own routine to the song Walk Like an Egyptian. Enjoy!


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Monday 11th - Friday 15th March


Hello everyone welcome back to this week! We have done some very fun things. So step in our magical door to the year 6s classroom with Nerys, Sidney and Bonnie.


Yr 5  

The year 5s have been busy calculating the perimeter and converting grams to kilograms and millilitres to litres. They (as usual) carried on reading Emil and The Detectives. In English, we planned and wrote up a short story (Bonnie will explain more of that with the year 6s). 


Yr 6

In year 6 we have been doing lots of maths: converting different measurements like grams to kilograms etc. In English we have been writing short stories about mythical creatures: unicorns, goblins, fairies and more .


Our vocab words for this week are:











This morning, we had someone come in to do some fencing with us all - we had great fun! Take a look at the photos below.


We hope you have a great weekend!


Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.



Monday 4th - Friday 8th March

Hello, we are back to tell you all about our week in Eagles. 

On Thursday, kestrels were taken to The Country Dance Festival at the lesuire centre, we heard it was very fun. On Wednesday Mrs Knight took a few Eagles for a hockey festival apparently they did really well.
Now let’s hear about the Yr 6s with Nerys…


Yr 6 

During this week we have been doing ratio/problem solving then today we started algebra- which was tricky! As usual we carried on reading Strange Star ⭐️ and answering questions to the chapter we read. 

Year 5

The year fives have been doing direct speech in English (so have the year 6s 🙂), they have also been doing Emil and The Detectives. Finally in maths, the year 5s have learnt equivalent fractions and percentages.


We also had an exciting afternoon today where we all learnt how to play the trumpet - take a look at the pictures below!


Well that’s it for us, have a good rest of the day see you next week.😃


Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.








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Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March


Hello and welcome back to our class blog.


We’ve had another great week of learning in Eagles. In English, both the year 5 and 6 children have finished their biographies about Tutankhamun. In maths, the year 6s have been learning about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. The year 5s have also been working hard on decimals and percentages - tricky stuff!


In topic, we’ve continued to learn about the Egyptians and learnt about air resistance in science. Later on this week, we completed our moving pneumatic toys - take a look at some of them below!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney!



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Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd February

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Monday 5th - Friday 9th February


Welcome back to our weekly news, we hope you’ve had a great week.


In English, we have been writing our own blogs about pet peeves, things that really drive us crazy! What are your pet peeves?


Year 5s have been reflecting and translating shapes in maths and year 6 have been subtracting mixed fractions from mixed fractions by turning them into improper fractions then subtracting them.  

Other Subjects 

In Art we started (and some finished) our Egyptian art, we created some intricate patterns. We also had a talk from the police today about internet safety and have been working hard on balancing in gymnastics.

That is it from this weeks news.


Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.


Friday 2nd February

Hello everyone welcome back to another weekly blog. We all hope you had a wonderful week just like us here in Eagles class. Read on for more.


Year 6 

This week the Y5s and Y6s have planned a blog in English about our pet peeves and what annoys us. In maths we have been adding fractions (parents, time to shine coming up for you) What is 1 1/3 + 2 3/4? You are not getting away with this, have a go yourself - the answer is at the end of this blog. 

Year 5 

The Year 5s have been dividing four digit numbers by one digit numbers using short division. 

Other subjects 

In art, we have been practicing Egyptian style patterns and in DT we have being discovering pressurised air systems using syringes and tubes. In Geography, we looked at non-renewable and renewable resources such as solar energy, wind energy, coal energy, geothermal energy and oil energy.

That is it from this weeks news (here is the answer to our maths question, 4 1/12).


Have a great weekend all!


The excellent Nerys Williams!

The amazing Bonnie Stewart!

The incredible Florence Reeve!







Music Enrichment Week


Monday 22nd - Friday 26th January


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Monday 15th - Friday 19th January

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Monday 9th - Friday 12th January


Hello welcome back to this weeks news. We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas 🎄and a Happy New Year 🥳 .

So far this week …


Year 5s have been multiplying two digit numbers by two digit numbers, (who would have thought) they have started a new guided reading book called Emil and The Detectives. And as well as the year 6s they have been studying a poem called Caged Bird by Maya Angelou, making their own versions and trying to learn it off by heart ❤️.


In year six we have been doing protractor work, order of operations and problem solving. We have started a new guided reading book 📕 named Strange Star🌟.  

In the afternoons, we have started our new topic learning about The Ancient Egyptians.


That is it from this weeks blog.

Have a great weekend and see you Monday. 

Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney.

Merry Christmas from all of Eagles!

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Monday 11th - Friday 15th December

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Monday 4th - Friday 8th December

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Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December


This week in English, we have been finishing writing our own versions of the Hansel and Gretel stories. We chose to either write updated versions set in the modern world; versions where the characters were swapped around; the back story of the witch; or, alternative endings to the original story. We have been working hard on our presentation with a big focus on joining up our handwriting and spelling.


In maths, Year 6 have been working on calculating missing angles in regular polygons. Year 5 have been looking at prime numbers - tricky stuff!


In history, we wrote a short essay about the Space Race. We included information about Sputnik, animals that were sent up to space, the first humans in space and Apollo 11. 


We have also all been given our parts for the Christmas play. We were allowed to choose whether we wanted a speaking or non-speaking part and have been given our scripts. We now need to learn our lines and remember to bring our script in with us to school every day!


See you next week,


Monday 20th - Friday 24th November

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Aerospace Trip


On Thursday, we visited Areospace in Bristol. We were really lucky to see lots of planes from WW1 as well as old helicopters, submarines, missiles and satellites. Interestingly, we learnt that Concorde went at a speed of 1340mph. It also had only one hundred seats and very small windows - it was pretty awesome!

During our time at the museum, we also took part in a rocket workshop where we made our very own rockets, launched them and talked about different forces including gravity, air-resistance and thrust.


Have a great weekend!

From Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.

Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November 


Welcome back after the half term holiday.


This week, in science we looked at the different phases of the moon. In maths, year 6 have been busy looking at fractions and how we can compare and order them by size. In year 5, we have been perfecting our addition skills and adding four-digit numbers together.  In English, we looked at how to create subordinating clauses in our sentences and we started a new unit of work on the book Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman.


We had brilliant fun going to the Sub Rooms on Thursday for a talk by the author Maz Evans - Miss Dempster even bought one of her books and got her to sign it!


In PSHE, we talked about friendship and the qualities of a good friend.

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October

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Rainbow Fun Run!


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Monday 16th - Friday 20th October

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Monday 9th - Friday 13th October

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Check out our Peter Thorpe inspired art!

Monday 2nd October to Friday 6th October


We've had another busy week in Eagles!  In English, we have been working hard on our non-chronological reports about a made up planet. 


In history, we looked at the different animals that have been sent up into space: dogs, monkeys, fruit flies and even a tortoise! We were pleased to discover that some of the animals survived their trip.  In art, we have continued looking at the work of Peter Thorpe.  We've created our own versions of his work using oil pastels.


In French, we have written some very impressive metaphor poems about le soleil and la lune!  Have a read of a few of them below.


Lastly, in science, we worked in teams to do a practical demonstration of how the movement of the Earth creates night and day using a globe, a minifigure and a torch - it was fun!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Monday 25th - Friday 29th September

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Monday 18th - Friday 22nd September 

Welcome back to week 3, hope you’ve had a wonderful week (see I added a bit of alliteration) this is what we’ve been doing.


Yr 6 

In year 6 we got our buddies which was really heartwarming when we were all playing on the  playground with them and chasing after a couple of them who are “very” energetic. It’s our new workout. Our year 6 class reading book is called “Crater Lake” and we all love it, right now we are on a cliffhanger and we have to wait until Monday. We really recommend it (that’s one of our spell well words recommend) it’s is a bit creepy but it is very funny and it’s about children on their PGL trip.



In PE we did bench ball which was very fun and we got a bit carried away. Later on in the year we will be doing swimming.


In computing we have been learning how to stay safe online which is a very important lesson.

In DT we have been researching moon buggy’s hopefully being able to make them soon.


Yr 5

The year 5s class book is ‘The Week At Worlds End’.In maths the year 5s have been doing rounding. In guided reading they have been reading and answering questions on The Fastest Boy In The World. Also in English we have been writing the next chapter of Cosmic (our class book). In art we have been learning about Peter Thorpe.


Hope you have a wonderful weekend that’s it from the year 5/6 byeeeeeeeeee!

From Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie















Monday 11th - Friday 15th September

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Welcome back to our blog! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break!

Collaboration Challenge!

Have a wonderful summer holidays everyone, from all of Eagles! 😃

Lansdown Hall & Gallery 2023


It has been a great week at the Lansdown art gallery, people have been coming in to view it all week and we have had lots of lovely comments- members of the public have even bought some of our art! Take a look at the wonderful art below.


Have a great weekend.

From Noah and Ewan (Roving Reporters)



Monday 3rd - Friday 7th July

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Monday 26th - Friday 30th June


Hello everyone welcome back to Eagles class blog! We have had a very fun-packed week!


We did a whole school Danceathon and the year 5s have been busy doing Bikeability. We also learnt about our bodies changing in PSHE.


The year 6 children have made feathers for a project at Lansdown art gallery with watercolour, tissue-paper, magazines and oil pastels. In DT, we also sewed bags made out of old t-shirts.


The year 5s had a creative morning on Wednesday where an art teacher from Archway came in to do an art lesson with the children; the year 6s also had a year 6 transition talk where they learnt how to put on a tie. 


We also made sculptures inspired by Henry Moore and took them down to Stratford park and took pictures of them for our art work at Lansdown gallery. You’re welcome to come down on Tuesday 11th 5-6.30pm to view our art.


Next week is art week and we’re all really excited!


Have a nice weekend.

From your Roving Reporters Laila and Noah. 



Monday 19th - Friday 23rd June

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Monday 12th - Friday 16th June


In year 5, they have continued to write their own autobiography and in maths they’ve learnt about area in volume; in guided reading they finished Friend or Foe.


In English, the year 6 have been writing a letter based on their class book Holes. In maths the year 6 have also been working hard on plotting coordinates. In guided reading, the year 6 have continued to read strange star.


The weather has been so hot that we decided to take one of our WW2 artefacts outside (a water pump) to cool us down- take a look at the photos below. In DT we’ve continued with our sewing and in PE we played a game of lacrosse and improved our throwing skills.


Today, we had fun raising money for Book Trust on our Pyjamarama Day! We read some books outside, created some illustrations and wrote our own poems - we had great fun!


Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

From Isabelle and Reuben!



Monday 5th - Friday 9th June 


In year 5, the children have been writing their own autobiographies and the year 6 children have been writing their own version of Doctor Who.


In maths the year 6 have been recapping the four operations and year 5 have been multiplying fractions by whole numbers.


In RE we learnt about symbols that are important to Christians (for example, the dove is used to show love and peace).


In PE we have been working hard on attacking and defending in Lacrosse and in geography we have been locating different cities in the United Kingdom. History was also great fun this week as we got to explore some artefacts from WW2- take a look at the photos below. 

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Noah and Laurie - Eagles class.




Monday 22nd - Friday 26th May


This week the year 5s have been subtracting fractions in maths and in English they’ve been writing descriptive sentences about Rose Blanche. In guided reading they’ve continued to read Friend or Foe by Micheal Morpurgo.  


The year 6 children have been working hard on graphs in maths as well as describing monsters in English. In guided reading we have continued to read Strange Star. 


In art we have been doing sculptures with clay based on the work of Henry Moore which was really fun, take a look at the pictures below. In French we have learnt to say places we like and don’t like and in PE we’ve focused on Lacrosse and throwing skills including the fling throw.


As a class, we’re really enjoying our topic and have started writing and essay in history all about the Blitz. 


Have a great weekend and half term.

From Noah and Reuben - year 6.

Even though we weren’t at school for most of the week, we still had the best time at PGL. All of it was amazing but we all particularly loved learning new songs (watch the video below). If you want to have a look at some of our photos from PGL, please check them out on our school Facebook page.


Have a great weekend from Reuben and Tate. ☀️ 


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A massive well done to all the year 6 children who completed SATs this week - we are so proud of you all and we hope you have the best time on PGL!

Endurance Running

Wednesday 3rd - Friday 5th May

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Monday 24th - Friday 28th April


Y5 - In maths the year 5s added fractions and mixed numbers together. In English they finished their spooky 👻 stories. In guided reading they also read about a book called friend or foe.


Y6 - In English we made a scary piece of writing based of a literacy shed short story called Alma. In maths we’ve doing SATs practice papers as well as interpreting and understanding line and bar graphs. 


Altogether in the afternoons we have been learning how to play the game Lacrosse and also athletics, which involved jumping and throwing. As well as this, we have been learning directions to school in French and in PSHE, we learnt about independence and responsibility. In art, we created some WW2 paintings for our display and in RE we looked at the meaning of Christianity. 

We hope you have a nice weekend.


From Laila and Laurie. 



Monday 17th - Friday 21st April

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Happy Easter Everyone!

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We all had a brilliant morning and took part in a whole school Easter egg hunt.

Have a super Easter holiday! 🐣

From all of The Eagles

Monday 20th - Friday 24th March

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In DT, we have been exploring cam movement and have designed our own long boats ready to make next week.

Friday 17th March


Hello everyone!


This week in maths Y6 have been converting units of time and measurement and Y5 have been converting cm into meters.


In English, Y6 been writing a blog and Y5 have been finishing of their dairies on Robert Falcon Scott.


In guided reading, Y6 have continued to read Strange Star and year 5s have been reading Emil and The Detectives.


In PE, we’ve been Bollywood dancing which has been great fun! Take a look at the video below to see our awesome moves!


On Thursday, we also visited Hawkwood where we learnt how to use a compass and completed different challenges whilst we were there. We also got extremely muddy but we had lots of fun as always!


In PSHE, we have been learning how to spend money wisely and have been giving each other advice.


Have a great weekend from Noah and Ewan

Roving Reporters 








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Monday 6th - Friday 10th March

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Monday 27th February - Friday 3rd March


Hi everyone hope you have had a great half term!


This week year 6 have been writing a letter of complaint in English and year 5 children have been doing a debate about whether homework is beneficial for children.


In maths, year six have been doing percentages and decimals and year 5 children have been comparing fractions.

In guided reading, year six have been answering questions about Strange Star and the year five children have been reading Emil and The Detectives. 


In PE, we have been doing dance and gymnastics, as well as a whole school hide and seek on Thursday!

In history we have continued to learn about the Vikings and the Anglo Saxons.


We hope you have a nice weekend!

Ewan and Noah

Roving Reporters

















Monday 13th - Friday 17th February

Enrichment Week


Hope you have had a great week. This week have had an enrichment week and have done a range of activities based on our Big Ideas.


For enrichment week we have been going around in our houses doing activities. In merlins we have been doing painting on our wall and on canvases; in owls we have been trying different diverse food from a range of places; in kestrels we have been learning about relationships with families; in eagles we have been playing Boccia and looking at people with Autism.  

In English, we really enjoyed writing our own kenning poems about changes. We also put all our poems in a book ready to sell. The money will go towards the Turkey and Syria earthquake. 

Have a wonderful half term!

Noah and Ewan (Roving Reporters)

Monday 6th - Friday 10th February

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Monday 30th January - Friday 3rd February

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Monday 23rd - Friday 27th January


Hope you’ve all had a lovely week.

Maths 🧮-In maths this week, we did addition and subtraction using fractions. The year 5s have been learning division and multiplication. 

English ✍🏼-In English this week, we wrote an extremely detailed and marvellous leaflet on our five big ideas which will be given out to the parents when we are finished with it. The year 5s wrote their own news reports.


Science 🧪 - In science, we learnt about the life cycle and reproduction.

Gymnasics 🤸🏿- In gymnastics, we made our own sequences and most of us performed them.

Religious Education🕋🕌-In RE, we learned all about the Jewish scroll called the sefer Torah.

Geography- We used a compass for navigation.
History -In history we wrote a plan for an essay about Vikings.

PSHE-In PSHE, we learnt about risks and wrote our opinion of whether we should or shouldn’t do an action from a scenario.


From your weekly Roving Reporters, Laurie and Laila.


Monday 16th - Friday 20th January 


In English, the year 6 children have finished the story of The Journey and the year 5 have been doing a news report about Goldilocks. 


In maths, the y6 have been adding fractions and the year 5 children have been learning long multiplication. 

In PE, we have all started dance and have also continued with gymnastics where we learnt how to do a pike roll safely. 


In RE, we have continued to learn about Judaism and in history we’ve learnt about Anglo Saxon homes. We also looked at different animal life cycles in science.


Have a good weekend from Ewan and Noah.

Roving Reporters 






Monday 9th - Friday 13th January


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Welcome back everyone and happy new year!


On Wednesday we returned to school and had a topic day where we created some Anglo-Saxon pieces of art for our new topic, Let the Battle Commence!


In maths, the year 6 children have been working hard on the properties of 3D shapes and drawing them on isometric paper. In English, we have been learning the poem, Fisherman Chant by John Agard. Take a look at the video below. 

The year 5s have been working hard on their timetables and adding/subtracting decimal numbers. In English, they’ve been working on writing their own fairytale news report. 

In gymnastics we learnt the split leap and how to land safely.

In art we looked at Anglo Saxon jewellery and created a Google slide of them ready for our research page in our sketchbooks.


I hope you all have a most enjoyable weekend.

Laurie, Roving Reporter.🦅


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Happy Christmas Everyone!

Monday 5th - Friday 9th December


Welcome back to our class blog, we hope you have had a lovely week.


In music we have been learning some Christmas carols which we later sang in Tesco and we raised £106.09 for our Playground. We also sang them at the All Saints Care Centre. 


In art we made sculptures of the human body using mod rock and wire. 

In our Christmas play, there was action, drama and a lot of fun practicing. We have been working hard on the Christmas play and we hope you all are ready for it.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Laurie and Laila, Roving Reporters.


Thursday 1st December


As part of our RE focus this term, we were lucky enough to visit a Mosque in Gloucester. We learnt more about the Islamic faith, tried on clothes from their culture, explored the wash room, asked lots of questions and learnt how they pray. Take a look at the photos below. 


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Monday 21st - Friday 25th November

Hello everybody, hope you have had a great week! 


In maths, the year 6 children have been measuring angles and the year 5 have been doing prime numbers.


In English, the year 6 children have been writing a non-chronological report on our science this term and the year 5 children have been writing a newspaper report.


In science we looked at the importance of a healthy diet and the human body, including the circulatory system.

In singing we are looking at the Christmas songs for the play and have been working hard on learning our lines and acting skills. 


In PE we focused on team cooperation and played a game of Dogdeball.


In DT we have been researching healthy eating bars and created a survey ready for our healthy snack design; we can’t wait to plan and make our snacks next week.


We have also been enjoying our swimming every Monday at Stratford Park.


We hope you all have great weekend and come back healthy and happy! From Ewan and Noah.





Monday 14th - Friday 18th November


Dear Parents and Carers, we hope you have had an enjoyable week!


In year 6 maths, we have been calculating angles on a straight line and around a point. The year 5s have been adding and subtracting decimals.


In English, year 5s have been writing a debate about school uniform. The year 6s have been writing up and illustrating their fairytale stories.


In DT we studied the different food groups and made posters. We looked at carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. 


In gymnastics we learnt different balancing positions and then put them together in a sequence; we even combined the chassis step and the pivot turn.


In art, we sketched figures in different poses; we focused on getting the positions and proportions right.


In Religious Education, we have been looking at the design of a Mosque and understanding the importance of the five pillars. 🕌.


We hope you have a lovely weekend.


From Laurie Giles, Roving Reporter.



Monday 7th - Friday 11th November

Hello everyone, we hope you had a great week!


In English this week, we have been writing our own fairytale stories and the year 5s have been writing poems.


In maths, the year 6 children have been ordering fractions and converting to decimals. The year 5 children have been adding and subtracting decimal numbers.


In PE this week we have been doing gymnastics and have learnt the chassis step and pivot turn. Check out our pictures below.


In art, we have been making our own tin foil sculptures; we had so much fun!


We also had a debate earlier on in the week about whether Xenotransplantation should be legal. The against side won it!


Have a wonderful weekend.


From Laurie and Laila (Roving Reporters)



Monday 31st October - Friday 4th November 


In English the Y5 children did a poem about anti bullying and Y6 started to plan an alternative fairytale. We can’t wait to start writing our stories next week!

In maths the Y5 children have been been doing column addition and the Y6 have been simplifying fractions and comparing fractions greater than 1. 

In guided reading Y6 have started Clockwork by Philip Pullman Y5 have continued with The Fastest Boy in The World.


In science we are learning about the human body and in art we have been drawing the human body.


In RE we’ve been learning about Muslims and about their place of worship, which is a Mosque.


In music we’ve playing the glockenspiels and ukuleles; in computing we have continued with spreadsheets.


Have a great weekend from Ewan and Noah

Roving Reporters


Monday 17th - Friday 21st October


In English, the year 6s have been writing a fairy tale postcard and the year 5s have been writing a poem.


In maths, the year 6s have been dividing 3 digit by 2 digit numbers and the year 5s have been working on decimals and fractions. 


In RE we’ve been learning about Muslim beliefs and have learnt about the reasons why people fast. 

In science, we’ve been learning about the circulatory system. We learnt that the arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the muscles and tissues!

In French we have continued having conversations about our favourite sports - check out the video below to see our awesome French!


Have a great half term!

Ewan and Noah


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Monday 10th - Friday 14th October 


Welcome back everyone, we have had a fun filled week!


In English the year 6s have been writing fairytale postcards and the year 5s have been writing their own story about a child pursuing their dream.


In maths the year 6s have been dividing two digit numbers by three digit numbers and the year 5s have been doing decimal number lines.


In art we have all been making Christmas cards which was very fun and enjoyable.


In French we learnt how to ask each other our favourite sport in french and asked people in our class.


In PE we have been learning how to get the ball off our opponent in hockey.


In geography we made Galapagos Island posters and learnt loads about the Galápagos Islands.


We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


From all of Eagles.

Laurie and Laila
Roving Reporters




Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October


In English, year 6 we have been arguing over a pig heart transplant being legal or not; in year 5 they have been writing their own story based on one small step.


In maths, Y6 have been finding common multiples and common factors. In Y5 the children have been understanding Roman numerals.


In guided reading the Y6 have been doing Oranges in No Mans Land; the Y5 have done The Fastest Boy in The World.


In art we’ve been researching about the famous artist Alberto Giacometti and in RE we’ve been making posters on the way Muslims pray.


In geography we’ve been learning more facts about the Galápagos Islands and in PE we have been learning how to get past an opponent in hockey.


In music we’ve been using the glockenspiels.


Have a nice weekend from Ewan and Noah.

Roving Reporters





Monday 26th - Friday 30th September


Welcome back to the Eagles blog, we have had another great week!

In English, the year 6 children have been writing a narrative poem about Darwin’s finches - they’re super descriptive!


In maths we have been working hard on multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and even 1000!

In PE, we have continued to work on our hockey skills and have been practising the Indian dribble. Check out our hockey skills in the photos below!


In computing this week, we have been learning about spreadsheets and collected our own data from the class about how children travel to school. We then put the information into our own spreadsheet.


In PSHE we have been learning how to compromise. 


We hope you have a lovely weekend from all of The Eagles. 


Laurie and Laila

Roving Reporters!

Meeting our Buddies!

Friday Fun Run!

Monday 19th - Friday 23rd September 

Hello everyone this is the Eagles Uplands blog.


In Maths the year 6 we have been rounding 7 digit numbers and in year 5 we have been rounding 6 digit numbers.


In history we have written a Charles Darwin essay.


In English year 6 we have carried on our work with Moth (a narrative poem) and in year 5 we have been writing about The Shoe Makers Daughter.


In PE we have been learning new skills in hockey, the Indian dribble.


In RE we have been learning about the five pillars of Islam and created our own posters. 

The year 6 children also met their buddies and have enjoyed getting to know them!


In music we’ve been singing to ghost parade and in PSHE we have been team building.


Have a great weekend from Ewan and Noah.😃





Monday 12th September to Friday 16th September


Hello everyone!


In English in year 6, we are currently writing a narrative poem about the evolution of the peppered moth based on the book Moth.  In year 5 we are have been doing some story writing based on the short film One Small Step.


In maths, both year groups have been looking at place value - working with six-digit and seven-digit numbers.  We have been comparing, ordering and placing them on a numberline.  This is much trickier than it sounds!


Both year groups have started their new books in guided reading.  Year 6 are reading Oranges in No Man's Land and year 5 are reading The Fastest Boy in the World.  Both books are by Elizabeth Laird.


In music we have started playing our ukuleles - we sound fabulous!  We have been singing different songs and learning about the pulse of music.  In art, we have looked at some different sketching skills and looked at the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, particularly his sketches of hearts.


Have a lovely weekend!

By Ewan and Laila


Hello everyone!

Welcome back to Eagles blog, we hope you had a great summer!


In year six we have been writing letters to our future buddies and have recited a poem called Leisure by WH Davies. Take a look at the videos below!


In maths we've been learning about understanding the value of digits in 6 and 7-digit numbers. In French, we learnt the names for some countries and played a French number bingo. In PE we started hockey and learnt how to control the ball as well as learning push passes. 

Have a great weekend from all of the Eagles!

Laurie and Noah (Roving Reporters)




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Goodbye and good luck to all of the year 6 children and Ms Anker! 🤩🥳


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Friday 15th July

In DT, we designed and made our own suspension bridges using a variety of materials (string, cardboard, tape and chairs for support). After we made our masterpieces, we evaluated them and thought about what we’d do to improve next time.

Friday 8th July

This week the Y6s were off at Cranham on their residential trip, so it was just the year 5s.


In art, we did graffiti inspired by Banksy (don’t worry we weren’t painting the walls!), we were creating colourful backgrounds for our stencils. Also the year 5s had a trip to Archway where we did science, art, history and PE. 

Hope you all have a lovely and most enjoyable weekend!


From Laurie and all of Eagles 🦅

Monday 27th June - Friday 1st July


Hope you’ve all had a great week!


This week, some of the year 5 and 6 children have worked hard doing their bikeability - lots of badges were given out at the end of the week!

In year 5 maths, we have been learning how to use protractors and in writing we made strict instructions about how to make and frobscottle from the BFG. In year 6 maths, we have been learning how to find areas of shapes and have also worked hard to write our own script for the 2022 y6 play.


In topic this week we have been learning about different materials in science (transparent, soluble, conductive materials and magnetic) and wrote up our own conclusion from our experiment. In computing, we had a choice of making different games using scratch including a platform game, driving game, shooting game or a catching game - it was great fun! 

Some year 6 children have also been out visiting their new schools for September.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


By Lucy, Nicole and Reuben 😁

Clifton Trip

PE Enrichment Week 

Monday 13th - Friday 17th June

Tuesday 7th - Friday 10th June


Hope you’ve all had a great week.

This week in year 6 we have been learning about how to write a set of instructions. In maths we have been been doing hard division and multiplication. In year 5, they have been learning how to write an entry for a diary. In maths, they have been learning how to calculate a perimeter of a shape. In the afternoons we have been learning about different gods and goddesses of Greece and have also been learning about different types of bridges and where they are. On Tuesday, the Eagles went out and around Uplands to help the community and did a litter pick.

Have a great weekend from Cruz and James 😁

Happy half term from all of Eagles! 😁

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Hawkwood Trip - Wednesday 25th May

Monday 16th - Friday 20th May


We’ve had another great week in Eagles, particularly the year 6 children who went to play laser tag on Wednesday as a post SATs treat - take a look at the photos below!


In writing this week, the year 6s have finished writing their newspaper reports about fairytale criminals - they are super impressive! The year 5s have looked at diary entries and have started writing their own. 



In maths, the year 5 children have worked hard on multiplying, adding and subtracting fractions. 



In topic, we have been looking at significant events in Ancient Greece and ordering them on a timeline, from the first Olympic Games to the Battle of Corinth. 

We have continued to work hard in athletics and have focused on long jumps this week. 


The year 5s and 6s have been using Scratch to recreate a game called Pong.


Have a brilliant weekend from all of Eagles class. 😄

Monday 9th - Friday 13th May

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Hello parents, we hope that you have enjoyed your week as much as we have!



In year six, we have been doing a mix of all sorts, including word problems and arithmetic. In year five, we have been adding mixed numbered fractions.



In year five, we have been writing a newspaper report about the “Criminal” Goldilocks and her vicious attack on the bear family. In year six, we have planned a newspaper report about fairytale criminals and their crimes, we have also done spag revision.



In PE, we have began athletics. We tested reflexes, teamwork and speed.



In art, we have been studying street art and graffiti, focusing on Banksy. We made a pic collage about different types of street art.



We have been are learning about Greek islands, food, language, and more! We have also been learning about the countries that they export and import to.


Have a lovely weekend,

From Benji, Emeli and all of Eagles class. 😁





Tuesday 26th - Friday 29th April

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Happy Easter from everyone in Eagles smiley 

Monday 4th - Friday 8th April

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Monday 28th March - Friday 1st April

This week we have learnt lots and have really enjoyed ourselves. 



This week in maths, the year 6s have been dividing by two digit numbers, as well as multiplying decimals by three digits. We have also been working with partners to solve some tricky maths problems. The year 5s have been converting Km-ml, l-ml and kg-g.



This week, we have been learning disco moves such as the grape vine, the disco point and the lasso. On Wednesday, a few of us played a friendly match against Gastrells school. We thoroughly enjoyed it and we scored some goals! We also acted out our own version of Red Riding Hood in small groups.



This week we have been planning and building children’s toys using pneumatics. We used two syringes to push open our animal mouths! Have a look at the videos below!


In Geography, we have also been learning how things are imported and exported to and from other countries.

All in all, we have had a great week, happy weekend!


 By Benji and Emily.



Design Technology

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Monday 21st - Friday 25th March

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The blog this week has been done by James and Luca, filmed by Cruz. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and enjoy the sunshine! From all of the Eagles class. 😁

In DT this week, we had fun exploring and creating our own pneumatic systems for our next project. We talked about the advantages and disadvantages for each system.

Red Nose Day 2022!

Creative Dance

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Eagles class choreographed their own dance to the song Walk Like an Egyptian - take a look at their awesome moves!

Monday 7th - Friday 11th March 



This week the year 6 children have been writing letters of complaint and using formal language. There have been some funny ones, e.g complaining to pets, schools and even glue sticks!



In maths the year 6s have been working hard doing algebra and solving missing number problems. The year 5s have been doing fractions and decimals.



In PE this week we continued to learn hockey skills and also learnt some Egyptian style dancing.



In DT we have been learning about pneumatic systems and are looking forward to creating our own in the next few weeks.



In RE this week we have learnt about Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Holy Week and have started our own PowerPoint presentations.


We talked about natural resources, renewable and non-renewable energy sources.


Have a good weekend!

From Shay, Noah and all of Eagles class.




Monday 28th February - Friday 4th March 


In English this week, year 5 we have been writing a descriptive piece of work about a girl named Hannah who likes gorillas a lot! In English in year 6 we have been learning about expanded noun phrases and used them to write up some small descriptive pieces of writing.



In maths this week, year 5 have been learning how to make fractions equivalent to each other, for example...1/2= 3/6 and 1/4 = 2/8. In maths in year 6, we have been learning how to work out percentages of numbers such as 10% of 250 = 25 and 20% of 250 = 50. We also learnt ratios at the end of the week using a diagram!


In French we we wrote up a descriptive paragraph about a family member or a made up person!


In art this week we have been carrying on with our Egyptian style art of making pictures of us as pharaohs using oil pastels!

World book day

To celebrate world book day this year we invited parents into our class to read a book and eat yummy breakfast! We also joined live with Michael Rosen and listed to him read some of his poems, he made many of us laugh!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday!  By Harrison and Laurie!

Happy Half Term Eagles

We've had another busy week and are very disappointed that Storm Eunice has put an end to our week a day early!


In science, we finished up our experiment about shadows.  We looked at how we can change the shape and size of shadows.  In history, we began to look at the lives of pharaohs - we'll be doing some more research about them after half term.


Every week we have a different reading question on our reading display.  The children all write an answer on a post it note which goes up on the display and later that week we share our answers.  I've added this week's reading question below so you can all think of some good answers - if there are any really good ones, I may even get the books for our classroom!


Have a really fabulous half term - avoid the crazy wind tomorrow - and we'll see you in a week.


Monday 7th - Friday 11th February 2022

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Please have a look at the photos below 👇🏻
See you next week from Nicole & Noah and all of the Eagles 😁😁

Monday 31st January - Friday 4th February 

Hi everyone, we hope you’ve had a great week.



In year six maths this week, we have been subtracting mixed numbers from mixed numbers. You had to convert the whole number to an improper fraction. In year five maths, we have done division and multiplication. 



For year six English we have been planning and writing a twist on Hansel and Gretel. In year five, we have been researching and writing about the amount of screen time allowed for children. (Thanks year five parents/guardians for sending in your thoughts!).



In PSHE, we have been writing a recipe for a friendship cake. Yum!


Guided reading

In year five, we have been reading Emil and The Dectectives. In year six, we have been answering questions about Strange Star.



In history we have been playing a board game that the Egyptians played called Senet (it was fun!).



In dance, we have been choreographing moves to the rhythm of Walk like an Egyptian.



In art we have been looking at Egyptian patterns and making our own. Have a look below at our brilliant patterns.


Hope you have a great weekend!


From Benji, Tate and all of Eagles class.


Monday 24th - Friday 28th January

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17th - 21st January 2022

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This week we started to draw our own self-portraits using pencil and graphite. Next week we will explore using oil pastels and pens.

Monday 10th - Friday 14th January

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This Term's Knowledge Organiser

The Caged Bird by Maya Angelou

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In PE this week, we learnt to move in different ways to a beat. Take a look at our slow motion videos!


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Merry Christmas from everyone in Eagles!

6th December to 10th December


As well as rehearsing for our Christmas production, we’ve also been busy working on our science and French this week. We looked at previous theories about the solar system and compared them to the one we have been learning about all term. We then created a split pin model of the solar system and labelled them in French!

DT - Moon Buggies

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Check out our very own Moon Buggies that we made and programmed this week!


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Monday 22nd - Friday 26th November

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Super Science Day!

We have had a great day doing science experiments. We discovered how soap pushes away germs, secondly we tested how we could inflate a balloon without using our mouths. Some people’s balloons exploded! After that, we made our own lava lamps and enjoyed the show!


Have a super weekend!


From Eagles (written by Benji)


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Monday 8th - Friday 12th November

Hello everyone and welcome back to Eagles blog. Hope everyone has had a great week!


In the year 5 classroom in English we have been working hard on improving our sentence writing and have been really descriptive. In maths we have been using 4 digit decimals to do column addition and subtraction. Also this week on Wednesday, all of Eagles went to Hawkwood College and did all kinds of fun activities.


In the year 6 classroom in maths we have been doing equivalent percentages, decimals and fractions. In English we have been writing the ending to a story called The Journey. The year 5 children also went to Hawkwood college and it was great. We explored the different types of trees, collected materials and then had a go at making some mini rafts which we tested back at school. Take a look at our photos below.

We have also started our DT project and researched moon buggies! We can’t wait to make our own!


By Mabel and Laila 😊

Monday 1st - Friday 5th November


This week has been very enjoyable so we thank the teachers for their help and hard work teaching us.



In year six, we have been ordering and comparing proper and improper fractions. In year five we have been adding five and six digit numbers with carry overs.



In year five English we have been writing about a video of a girl who wanted to go to space. In year six, we  been writing about a book where a family try to escape a war.



This week, we have been learning about the importance of safe passwords, copyright and plagarism.



This week, we learnt about the seven days of creation and the order in which things were created first.


Guided reading

In guided reading (year five) we have read Dindy and the elephant. In year six, we have just started a knew book called clockwork or all wound up.


We hope you have a great weekend. Plus, our autumn craft fayre will be great fun!

By Benji and Ewan.

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd

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We hope you all have a super half term! Take a look at our video to find out what we’ve been learning this week.

By Cruz and Lucy
Filmed by Tate

October 11th - 15th

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4th October to 7th October


This week in maths, the year 5s have been learning about Roman numerals.  The year 6s have been working on  multiplying and dividing by two digit numbers.


In English, the year 5s have been using working on writing a spooky story - we've used metaphors, similes and dialogue to create atmosphere.  In year 6, we have been writing a non-chronological report about our own planets - we are using semi-colons, alliteration and complex sentences.


In French, we were writing descriptive sentences about animals and fruit.


In PE, we practised our shooting skills in netball and we started gymnastics in the hall.  We were working on different ways of jumping. 


On Tuesday, we went to take photographs of the street names which match our new houses.  We then worked on creating a piece of art for each house: Thompson, Capel, Springfield and Folly.


The whole school had a harvest assembly - see our brilliant song below!


By Rufus, Hollie and Miss D




Our Harvest Festival Song

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Monday 26th September - 1st October


This week has been very fun; we thank the teachers.



In year six English, we have been writing about a planet called Demponite. We used semi colons and relative clauses. For year five English, we have been writing information about animals that we wrote. After that, we typed it up onto a chromebook.



In topic, we worked out how the Earth orbits the sun and how the moon orbits the Earth. We formed circles to create a human replica.



In music this week, we sang the ghost parade (accompanied by the glockenspiels) and we learned chords on the ukuleles. 



In year five maths, we have been rounding five and six digit numbers. For year six maths, we had to times and divide decimal numbers by ten and one hundred. We also had to times a number with one decimal place by a one digit number.



In pshe, we have been learning about Christians and their beliefs.



Our new vocab words for this week are tottering, livid, lingering, despair, triumph, abrupt, desolate, unwilling and astride.


Have a super weekend!


Benji, Noah and Henry 😊

Monday 20th - Friday 24th September



In year 5 maths, we have been learning about place value and plotting numbers on number lines. We have also ordered numbers from smallest to largest. In year 6, we have multiplied decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.



The year 5 children have been writing a fact sheet about animals and the year 6 have been writing an adventure story. Our new vocab words for this week have been debris, overwhelming, yearn, urge, obedient, deceive, persecute, spurt, phenomenal and facade.  



We have continued to learn about space and have started our Peter Thorpe art-work. Take a look at our pictures below! In PE we have been learning netball skills including passing and foot positions. In French we wrote a poem about the sun and the moon.


Have a great weekend.

Isabelle and Emily smiley 


Monday 13th - Friday 17th September


This week has been very fun so we thank the teachers for their hard work.



In year five, we have been doing maths riddles and making numbers out of blocks. We have also been doing six and seven digit numbers. This week in year six we started the week off with Miss Dempster’s nightmare-number lines, followed by rounding and values of numbers.



In year six English, we have been writing about a book named cosmic, we have been writing a story based on it, taking it step by step using the writing rainbow. In year five English, we have been researching about animals to get information about nature. These animals included a koala, a wood pigeon, and a sea lion.



In topic we have been carrying on with our space race topic, researching about animals being sent up to space and testing to see if humans could meet our solar system.


Have a great weekend! From Harrison and Laurie 😊


Monday 6th - Friday 10th September 


First Day Back

On Monday, we did team building skills and welcomed each other back into the community.



Throughout the week, we focused on place value, seven digit numbers, representing numbers and finding values of digits using place value grids.


At the start of the week, we wrote persuasive letters to the chair of governors trying to make her believe we would be good buddies. Later on, we learnt a poem off by heart and performed it in groups. Have a look at our poems below!



Our topic is called ‘The Race for Space.’ We started off by being put into groups with a planet each to research and made a paper mache model. Next we researched Sputnik (the space programmed satellite that was sent into space in 1957 by the Russians!) We also then researched the Cold War! We also started looking at the art of an artist called Peter Thorpe! He does abstract art and he does a lot of art about rockets and space! We learnt that he was born in 1957 (the same time that Sputnik was launched!) He does art with paint that he would have thrown away! (The background at least).

Written by Benji and Emilia smiley

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This week the children have been learning about propaganda and have come up with their own propaganda posters. They loved designing these and coming up with their own slogans!

The World at War! 


The Eagles have been working really hard learning all about World War 2 during this term. They have learnt about the start of the war and wrote some fantastic news reports. They have learnt about the Evacuation of Dunkirk creating some brilliant comic strips full of amazing drawings. Did you know Air Raid shelters were used as protection during the war? They have also discovered the events of the Battle of Britain and researched key events that happened during this time. Check out some of their photos below. 

Quelle heure est-il? 

The Eagles this week did telling the time in French. We now know how to say O Clock, Half Past, Quarter Past and Quarter to in French! 

Evolution and adaptation 


This week we have been learning all about evolution, adaptation and fossils. We researched camels, polar bears and the Galapagos finches amongst many other animals to see how they have adapted over the years. The kids loved looking and understanding how and why they have changed. We then all embraced our inner child and looked at dinosaurs and their fossils that have been found, the class had to match up the fossil to the correct dinosaur and explain why they knew they were a match. They then got to design their own animal and fossil, and had to explain how if we looked at the fossil we would know it was their animal! They loved creating these and using their imagination. 

Anti-bullying week


For anti-bullying week we had lots of discussions on what bullying looks like and what to do if bullying happens. The kids came up with their own “I choose to...” sentences on what they will do to help stop bullying and put these on a jigsaw piece. We then put the jigsaw pieces together and came up with a lovely, colourful and meaningful anti-bullying puzzle!

Learning all about blood!

This week in topic Eagles have been learning about different blood cells and blood vessels. They have done some brilliant work describing the functions and also showcasing their learning with some fantastic comic strips! 

Heart dissection week!


We've had a really exciting week in Eagles this week as Mrs TC did a live heart dissection using pigs hearts! The kids loved it and got really involved, some of them were even brave enough to smell it! Using the real hearts in front of them the kids had a go at sketching different parts of the heart that they could see and did a brilliant job. 

Term 6 Week 6

6th July - 10th July

This week is going to be a little bit different because you have been working so hard this term! I have set an enrichment timetable this week. It is about Rio and the Amazon Rainforest and has lots of different activities to choose from. You can do them in any order you like! 

This week I won't be making phone calls but I am always on email, so please email if you have any questions or concerns.

I hope you have a fab week! smiley

Term 6 Week 5

29th June - 3rd July

Well done for yet another brilliant week! You're impressing me every week with how you are maintaining your motivation to do your home learning! ​I have attached this weeks timetable and work below. As always please let me know if you have any questions or concerns smiley

8in4 challenges!
Colin and Coco's Daily Workouts
Maths Activity Mats

Term 6 Week 4

22nd June - 26th June

We are already in Week 4, this term is going so quickly! I have attached below the new work for this week. Thank you for all the "I'm proud of..." sentences, they are brill so far. If you haven't sent it to me yet, please can I have this as soon as possible. Thank you smiley

8in4 challenges!

Maths Activity Mats

On each PDF there are 3 different mats for each day. I would like everyone to attempt the second mat (the one with 2 stars), unless you really fancy a challenge and you can do the third mat (the one with 3 stars)!

​​​​​​​Colin and Coco's Daily Workouts

Term 6 Week 3

15th June - 19th June

You've all had another brilliant week, well done! I have attached below this weeks work. If you haven't already, please can you email us a couple of sentences your child is proud of in school or during home learning, I will send out an email reminder later on in the week. Hopefully speak to you all on Wednesday!

8in4 challenges!

Maths Activity Mats

On each PDF there are 3 different mats for each day. I would like everyone to attempt the second mat (the one with 2 stars), unless you really fancy a challenge and you can do the third mat (the one with 3 stars)!

Colin and Coco's Daily Workout

Term 6 Week 2

Well done on your fantastic work the first week back! All of this weeks work is below. You have now finished the arithmedo pack - well done! So this is replaced with some maths activity mats. Please let me know if there are any questions.

8in4 challenges!
Maths Activity Mats
Colin and Coco's Daily Workouts

Term 6 Week 1


Hi all,


I hope you've had a brilliant half term and enjoyed the lovely sun. This is now the new year 5 blog and you will find everything here!


I am going to continue to do phone calls on a Wednesday but if this day doesn't work for you, please let me know and I can call a different day. 


Any questions feel free to email smiley


Mrs H 

8in4 challenges!
Colin and Coco's Daily Workouts
Arithmedo answers (after the questions)


Hi all, 


Having spoken to many of you this week we feel a change may be wanted by some. Therefore to hopefully bring some change we have created our usual weekly timetable, which we have tried to change up a bit as well as a fun filled enrichment week activity to try - build your own theme park! The choice is entirely yours! You are welcome to pick and choose bits of the two or stick to one. We have also updated our 5 steps to well-being activities below for you. 



We hope you have a lovely relaxing sunshine filled weekend. We love seeing all the things you have been doing. We would like to thank you for all your effort over the last few weeks. Homeschooling cannot be easy and we are constantly amazed by what you are all doing. As always we are on email if you need us and would love to see more photos from you all - even just happy smiling ones! 


Hope to see some of you soon! 


Mrs TC and Mrs H 

We have added some new 5 Steps to well-being challenges!


Dear Children and Parents,

We have decided to set you some extra fun challenges which you may wish to complete at any time during the next few weeks. The idea of these challenges is to encourage creativity and social interaction (at a safe social distance of course) to look after our 5 steps to wellbeing.


Connecting challenges:

  • Facetime your friends
  • Call a grandparent or elderly friend to have a chat
  • Write a letter and post it when you can. Alternatively, you could write someone an email.
  • Host your own family quiz – you could use facetime, zoom, google meet or email them the questions
  • Post a picture on our Padlet page or email us a picture. It doesn't have to be work we love to just see your lovely faces!
  • Call a grandparent and ask them about their past and your family history.


Be Active challenges:

  • Go for your one walk of the day! When you go try and take some lovely scenic photographs.
  • Check our Joe Wicks!
  • Make your own PE video in your garden! – Send them in, Mrs Knight would love them and we can share them on the blog.
  • Try some gardening!
  • Grow your own veg, fruit or pretty flowers! – As always send us pictures!
  • Check out an online sports class, maybe try that dance class you always wanted to have a go at.


Take Notice:

  • Take part in some mindfulness meditation – the headspace app is brilliant for this.
  • Do some calming mindfulness colouring, alternatively you can make your own colouring pages.
  • Do some yoga!
  • Have a ‘clear the clutter’ day – find those toys you do not play with anymore and donate them to someone else.
  • Take notice of how your siblings and parents are feeling or acting – help the out
  • Bring nature into your home learning space. You could bring a potted plant into you space or put up some beautiful pictures of nature you have taken on one of your walks.


Give Challenges:

  • Make lunch for your family
  • Do some helpful jobs round the house – maybe tidy that room!
  • Give up some of your time to play a board game together.
  • Write down a list of all the things you are thankful for.
  • Volunteer to do something for a family member you wouldn’t normally do.
  • Write down your favourite recipe – email it to us and post it on our Padlet page.


Keep Learning:

  • Keep working hard on your school work.
  • Research something that interests you to find out more.
  • Try a tutorial online – like Draw with Rob!
  • Try some baking or a new recipe.
  • Watch a TED talk -
  • Do a crossword or Sudoku


We hope this helps you come up with some more ideas of what to do at home during this difficult time. We would love see what you manage to do so keep sending in the lovely photos.


Much love

Mrs TC and Mrs H 😊 x

Week 2!

Wow another brilliant week from the Eagles! 

Year 6 Zoom Quiz questions!

This week the Year 6s had their own Zoom quiz. Each child came up with their own questions and we all had a go! So… we thought we would share them with you to have a go yourself! WARNING some are crazy random and weird!

We hope you enjoy and let us know what you scored! See if you can beat Mrs TCs amazing score of 4/14 and Mrs Holloway’s score of 6/14!

  1. Nika – What was I wearing on the last zoom meeting we had?
  2. Edith – Why do people wear masks at the moment?
  3. Abbie – What is my favourite bit about this lockdown?
  4. Bella – What is the biggest Pyramid of Egypt?
  5. Lyla – How many teeth does an elephant have?
  6. Zsofi –
    1. Who is the oldest person alive and where do they live?
    2. How old was the oldest recorded person before they died and where did they live?
  7. Finley – What is the capital city of Slovakia?
  8. Marley – True or False?: Does the Hoopoe bird throw poo into the eye of its predators?
  9. Sunny – What colour is my pet rabbit?
  10. Edie – What colour is my favourite animal?
  11. Imogen – Why are streetlamps so tall?
  12. Jacob – Riddle –
    1. What has hands but cannot clap?
    2. What has holes but still holds water?
  13. Gautam – What fruit did I love saying in Year 3?
  14. Mrs TC – Who produces the most car tyres in the world?



  1. Nika – a skirt, top and cardigan.
  2. Edith – To feel protected
  3. Abbie – Spending more time with my family
  4. Bella – The great pyramids of Giza
  5. Lyla – 26
  6. Zsofi –
    1. 117! Lives in Japan
    2. 122! Lived in France
  7. Finley – Bratislava
  8. Marley – sadly its false
  9. Sunny – Black and white – It’s called Panda!
  10. Edie – A tiger – Orange and black
  11. Imogen – So the light fills up the area and everyone can see
  12. Jacob – Riddle –
    1. A clock
    2. A sponge
  13. Gautam – Pineapple
  14. Mrs TC – Lego 

Term 5 Week 1

This week our Year 6s held their first zoom chat and we made Rainbows! Check out some of our rainbows below and our learning this week. 


Remember your quiz questions for Thursday Year 6! 

Week beginning 20th April 2020

Welcome back to Term 5! Please see below for a suggested timetable of learning to complete each day. .

Your Wonderful week one!


Well done you completed your first week at home! yes


We have updated the class page with next weeks timetables for you to use. We have also uploaded some new 8 in 4 challenges for you to complete in your maths time. 


To support your 5 steps to well being we have set some extra fun challenges for you that we hope you will enjoy. Check them out on our class page. 


Keep sending us your wonderful photos of all your lovely work. We look forward to seeing more next week and hearing from you all again. 


Stay Safe and have a lovely relaxing sunny weekend! 


Mrs TC and Mrs H


David Walliams Audio Story!


Every day at 11am for the next 30 days David Walliams is releasing a free audio story for kids (and adults) to listen to. This could be a great break from home learning. So grab a cup of tea, put your feet up and relax while you kids are immersed in the wonderful world of storytelling! laugh


You can listen here:

Check out our first day of home learning!

Mrs Holloway and I have had some wonderful pictures sent to us today of your lovely

work at home. 


Keep them coming and stay safe.




Eagles celebration of home learning!


We would love to see and hear about all your wonderful home learning, extra activities and updates to share over the next few weeks.


This page will be dedicated to sharing all the fantastic things you are all doing at home. Weekly timetables and work help will be uploaded onto the Eagles class page. 


Simply email us with pictures and updates you would like to share with everyone and we will upload onto the Eagles blog page. 


Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful work. Stay safe. 


Mrs Tedaldi-Chestnutt and Mrs Holloway 




The Race for Space!

We has a fantastic start to our new school year learning all about SPACE! We made Vitamin C rockets in the playground. 



We had a brilliant day in London visiting the Tate Modern. Check out some of the snaps of the day! 



The Year 6s had a wonderful day last week to celebrate completing their SATs tests. They have all made us incredibly proud of their achievements and were in need of a lovely ice cream treat.

Enjoy the photos!  

We kicked off our new topic ‘The World at War’ with an afternoon in a ‘bunker’ (the PE shed). We watched clips from WW2 and looked at lots of interesting artefacts from the war.

On Wednesday, the Year 5 children visited Stroud High School where they carried out some scientific experiments in their brand new science block. They had a go at slime-making, buzzer circuits and studied pond life using microscopes.

Anglo Saxon Runes


Check out our secret messages using the Anglo Saxon alphabet.

Take a look at our amazing Anglo Saxon jewellery for this weeks homework!


The Eagles had loads of fun in the snow this morning. They were busy developing their photography skills ready for our Enterprise week. They look forward to selling you some of their photos at the end of the week. Check out the Eagles in action below. 

Attendance Award!

Well done to all the Eagles for winning this weeks attendance award. There has been a HUGE improvement in attendance in Eagles already this term and it is making a massive difference in lessons. Well done Eagles keep it up! 

The Eagles have been busy researching when and why the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain. They worked in groups to do their research and then presented to the rest of the class - great work Eagles!

Let the Battle Commence!

Merry Christmas from the Eagles

Check out the Uplands video page for the Eagles version of the 12 days of Uplands! 


Still image for this video

'We the Curious' Trip 


On Friday, the Eagles had a brilliant trip down to 'We the Curious' in Bristol. Check out our video page for some cool animations. (Photos to follow soon).  

frown Mrs Ponting returns frown


Mrs Ponting has returned to school after her maternity leave and will be working with the Eagles this year. They are all very excited. The Year 5s had her for the morning on Thursday. Check out their wonderful T-Shirt creations below.   

Disgusting Digestion 


Check out some of our digestion videos on the Uplands Video page!

Attendance Award!


Well done to the Eagles this week for winning the attendance cup. 

We can still improve so next we are aiming for 100%! 

Remembrance 100


The Eagles wrote WWI inspired poetry and made poppies to make 100 years of the end of World War I.  

Hall Art


The Eagles have been working really hard with Mrs Walker to update the art hanging in our school hall. They have made an amazing start with these beautiful human body art pieces. Watch this space for more updates! 



Heart Dissection day!


Today the Eagles watched a Heart dissection and sketched what they could see. They were very well behaved and extremely mature which was lovely to see - well done Eagles. 


WARNING - photos will contain images of a pigs Heart 

How our Heart works


The Eagles have been learning all about the Heart in Science this week and have made a video explaining how it works. Check out the Uplands Video Page!

Attendance Winners!

Heart Art!


The Eagles have been busy studying the human heart and creating some fantastic art. 



As part of our topic this term, the children have been researching Banksy and other street artists. This led the children to a piece of art based around SeaWorld. The class then decided to hold a debate on the issue of the Orcas at SeaWorld. They became so passionate about the issue that they have written and sent letters to SeaWorld Orlando and San Antonio. Check out some of the letters on our Wonderful Writing Wall.


The children have now decided to raise money for charities that support Orcas in the wild. They will be holding a craft fair on Friday 13th July at 3:00pm. They have already begun budgeting and making crafts to make as much profit as possible for their chosen charities. Check out some photos below. 


Bristol Art visit

The Eagles had a wonderful time in Bristol creating some brilliant sketches. W managed to find 4 Banksy pieces and many more. All the children also had a go at some photography. Check out some of their work below (all taken by the children). 

Winstones Walk

On Friday, the Year 6s had a lovely (long) walk to Winstones. On the way, they stopped off to find some geocaches and admire the views. Miss Tedaldi and Mrs Day-Lewis had a lovely day an enjoyed a good ice cream. Check out some of our photos from the day. 

Best Class Attendance!


HUGE WELL DONE to the Eagles for winning the attendance award this week.

Greek Drama


Before the Easter break, the Eagles performed some brilliant Green Drama with Mr Wride.

Check out some of the photos below. 

Paralympic Writing

This week we have been watching some of the Paralympics. We have been focussing on the visual impaired downhill skiing. We used different altered goggles to feel what it was like to have a visual impairment. We also did a ski sit to feel what it would be like to ski (as best we could). Check out some of our pictures below!


A few pictures from our trip to Gloucester Rugby

Best Class Attendance.....AGAIN! 


This time the Year 5s have won the best class attendance award! Well done Year 5!

Check out our awesome costumes! 

Mon 5th - Friday 9th February


Please see the whole school blog this week for photographs and news from our 'When I Grow Up' week.

Best Class Attendance!


HUGE WELL DONE to the Year 6s for winning the attendance award this week. 


As the final years of primary school can become a little bit more stressful we have decided to focus on our emotional, physical and social health through Yoga. Check out some of this weeks moves we tried. 

Homework Stars

This terms homework has been fantastic so far. Check it out!

Playmaker Award


This term the Eagles class will be participating in a new award. This award is called the Playmakers Award. This course is fun and exciting way for the Eagles children to develop their leadership skills in a sporting capacity. each week (Monday afternoons) the children look at a different area of leadership including:

  • Participants
  • Area
  • Communication
  • Equipment 

They call this PACE. The overall course is run over several weeks. At the end of the course the children will run a session on their own and be assessed. Once they have completed the course the Eagles children earn a certificate and will run break and lunchtime activities for the younger years. We will also be giving the Year 6s the opportunity to run an activity at Sports Day. The Year 5s will not miss out as they will complete the course again next year. They can also do leadership challenges to be awarded further certificates such as; helping with after school sporting clubs, helping with community sports and many more. 


Check out the Sports Leaders website for a bit more information:



So far the children have begun looking at participants and have really enjoyed it (so has Miss Tedaldi). They have learnt different ways of getting children into groups for activities and started to look at variations of common games such as tag. 


Watch this space for videos and pictures to follow 



8th January 2018


The Eagles have had a brilliant start to the new term. Please note there have been a few changes this term including: 

  • PE Kits are required on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. 
  • Homework is now due on a Friday


This weeks homework is to design a front cover for their homework books. Remember to watch this space to see who the homework stars will be! 

Eagles Christmas Uplands Gazette

Best class attendance! 


Finally, the Year 6s won the best class attendance award!

Well done Year 6! Keep it up! 

Cyber Bullying Data


A few weeks ago was anti-bullying, where we learnt all about Cyber Bullying and how to use the internet safely. On Wednesday we did a survey which 34 people completed (23 children, 11 adults). Here are the results!


Nearly half of our respondents use social media (47%). 88% of people think they use the internet safely. However, we're not sure that's true because only 79% of people have secretive passwords, and 29% of people chat to strangers online. Shockingly, more than halve of people asked say that they/their kids play overage games.


We were sad to see that 24% of people have been cyber-bullied, and sadder still to find out that 9% of people admit having been a cyber-bully themselves!


As expected 94% of people's children have a device to themselves. 65% of people go on electric stuff for more than 2 hours a day. 26% of people play online games while being supervised.


Whilst we thought that people would spend a lot of time online, we were surprised that so many people play over age games, some people chat to strangers, and that almost a quarter have been cyber bullied. So change those passwords and tell an adult if something goes wrong.


Remember, keep calm and stay safe online!


By Harley, Arjun and Murphy

3...2...1... BLAST OFF


We performed some rocket inspired science using things found at home. Check out our Diet Coke and Mentos rockets and Vitamin C tablet rockets. 


Still image for this video

Solar System maths


Check out some of the photos from our walk to the field. We calculated a scaled measurement of the distance between the planets and accurately measured it out. 

Riddle me this.... 


Check out some of the riddles the Eagles wrote. Can you solve any? 



I'm out of this world

But sometimes I'm not,

My transport is elevated

And my food is dehydrated

I wear a special suit when I go outside

And I take giant footsteps

As I leap and glide.

What am I?


By Beth   



I live in the sky

and I rhyme with Mars

I'm not a planet 

I am the ....


By Alex


Bright lights in the sky and there is one we all know

which if it mixed with rain it causes a rainbow

What am I? 


By Elouise 

25th September


This week the Eagles have worked really hard on their newspaper report writing. Watch this space for reports on Mars!

The Eagles have also discovered why we have days. Check out some photos below. 

Homework Stars


Check out our models!

Homework Stars


Check out our homework stars for this week

Welcome back


Welcome back to the Eagles blog. We have had a very busy week. the Year 6s wrote their buddy letters and the Year 5s wrote some fantastic diaries. 


Check out some of the photos of our space art! 

Eiffel Tower Firework Animations

Still image for this video
As promised...the children's wonderful animations from the art exhibition.

More animations...

Still image for this video

One more...

Still image for this video
Children in year 5 have been working on creating their own magazine which is based around subjects that they find interesting.  Working closely with Mr Wride, the children have produced a wide variety of pieces that are both creative and informative.  The children all hope you enjoy the first edition of the Uplands Gazette which will be followed up in the autumn term with another addition.

Photos below of last week's visit from Mrs Whitefield's brother, who has lived in France for many years and speaks French fluently.  As you can see, the children enjoyed a French breakfast and the Year 6s even got to go down to Merlins to play some French counting games!

Week beginning Mon 19th June


It has been an exciting week in Eagles!  Last Tuesday, Mrs Whitefield arranged for a visitor to come in who has lived in French for over 20 years.  He spoke to the children about life in France, they shared a traditional French breakfast together and tried out their French food vocabulary!  A fantastic experience for the children, which really bought the topic to life.  Photographs to follow...

On Friday, we were lucky enough to be invited to Marling School for a science morning.  They showed us some fantastic science experiments which involved a lot of bangs and flames! Very exciting!  Then the children had chance to carry out their own science investigation to answer the question 'which metal is the most reactive?'  They had to handle scientific equipment, record their results and discuss their conclusions using scientific vocabulary.  It was a great way to find out about the fantastic science experiences they have ahead of them at secondary school and I think it certainly made the year 6's very excited about next year!

Week beginning Mon 12th June


This week we decided to take the children out on to the fields to try-out for district sports.  The events were running, jumping and throwing and the children all had a go with some great results!  It was a beautiful afternoon and lovely to be out in the sunshine.


In maths, the year 5's revised their calculation skills.  In English, some of the children are designing a band and holding a secret gig, whilst others are designing their own theme park!  Happily, on Thursday Mrs Whitefield was back and the children were all really pleased to see her!

Week beginning Mon 5th June


The children have shown real interest in the general election over the last few weeks so we decided to capitalise on this and hold our very own school elections! They split into groups and came up with their own political parties.  Next, they worked on their manifesto - deciding on which issues were most important to them.  We had a whole range of ideas, from astro-turfing the school football pitch and extra playtime, to healthy lunch options and improved IT equipment!  They then set about advertising their party in order to get as many votes as possible. They took some fantastic photos of their party leaders in very serious poses!  Then they made posters, leaflets, potted histories of their leaders and finally wrote their speech for assembly.  Each party had 5 minutes to persuade the rest of the school to vote for them and then Merlins, Owls and Kestrels went to the ballot box!  The result was a resounding win for the Year 6 girls!  It was a great week and I hope it gave the children a real insight in to the general election.

PGL Day 3


We’ve had a really fantastic day enjoying the sun and surf.

The sun has been shining at Beam House and we certainly made the most of our time on the beach this morning with body-boarding. This afternoon, some of us went blindfolded through the woods on a sensory trail and some of us went up the high-ropes. Also, two groups got very muddy on the challenge assault course. This evening, we played Wacky-Races which involved lots of silly games and running around. Looking forward to more surfing tomorrow!

See you tomorrow back at school!!

PGL - Day 2


Well...what a day!  It all began with a trip to the beach where all the children had a go at blokarting, which basically involved them zooming round, going round corners on two wheels and getting blown over - a lot!  This afternoon, we had a number of activities in our groups.  One of the real highlights for us was watching the children on the high ropes - as you can see from the photographs, they really were high and all the children had a go with many of them going all the way round over and over again! What we were most proud of though was how they supported each other through the experience, encouraging each other in need and rushing round to help those who weren't so confident to ensure everyone was able to get the most from the experience.  Another exciting activity was the challenge course - the children loved getting covered in mud almost as much as Miss Tedaldi enjoyed soaking them!




Fantastic first day here at Beam House, the sun has been shining and the children are now settled in their rooms.  We had lunch on the beach and an afternoon playing in the sun.  After dinner, we have had a great evening playing Robot Wars!  We're looking forward to a day on the beach tomorrow.   

Week commencing Tues 8th May


We made it!!! SATs tests are all completed and PGL is just around the corner!  The children are a little excited to say the least...!  Year 6 have all worked incredibly hard this week and all of us here are incredibly proud of each and every one of them.  The year 5s also deserve a mention for working in extreme silence!  They have had a great week completing projects and working with Mr Wride.  The final copy of their secret project is on it's way and will be appearing on the blog this space!


I just wanted to share with you some photos of the year 6 children in their brand new leavers hoodies which we gave them this morning - I'm afraid they are beginning to look like teenagers already (!).  This afternoon, in celebration of their enormous efforts we spent some time enjoying the beautiful sunshine and then finished off with a year 6 cinema show - a well earned treat indeed.

Week commencing Tues 2nd May


Welcome back to school after the Easter holidays!  We hope you had a fantastic time and a good rest.  We are of course very close to SATs week now and the year 6 children have had a letter explaining the timetable for the week as well as inviting them in to breakfast club each morning from the 8th May.


We also had our final PGL meeting in preparation for our trip on 19-22nd May.  We have been given some fantastic activities including lots on the beach and everyone is very excited!  Don't forget, your PGL medical forms need to be completed and returned to school ASAP so that we have all the relevant information we need for the trip in plenty of time.


Please see below, our topic web for the coming term as well as the homework sheets in case they didn't make it home!  There are a lot of exciting projects ahead and the children are particularly excited about finding out about the general election as well as the art, animation and cooking!

Week commencing 27th March


We were very lucky this morning to be invited in to the Masjid-E-Noor mosque in Gloucester.  We have been learning all about the Islamic faith during our RE lessons this term and it was fantastic to have it bought to life for us.  We were shown around the mosque by two of the Imams who lead the prayers.  They started by telling us all about their faith and how they worship and then we had a tour of the mosque - including the room where they wash before praying.  We were then lucky enough to hear the call to prayer and find out about the timings and the structure of their day of worship.  The children were fantastic ambassadors for our school and showed respect and interest throughout with some really insightful questions - well done!

Week beginning 20th March


smileyHomework Starssmiley

This week's homework was to create a piece of art based on the concept of a battle.  There was a real range of interpretations including a collage, a clay sculpture and lots of fantastic line drawings.

This week, year 5 have been learning about prime numbers in maths with Mrs Whitefield and even came up with their own song to help them remember!  In English, with Mr Wride, they have been working on some 'Top Secret' writing of their own choosing.  They have worked well, with determination and skill, but is the world of Uplands ready for the result...?


Year 6 are now really into revising for SATs as there are only 4 more weeks in school until we take them for real.  They have done a fantastic job so far and today was brilliant as everyone got over 30 in our Friday arithmetic test for the first time and a lot of people achieved their highest score yet - I am so very proud of them all!  Thank you also for all your support and encouragement at home.


In Topic we have continued our work on comparing Christianity and Islam in preparation for our trip in April.  In Music, the children have been using layering of instruments and rhythms to compose their pieces as a group.


On Thursday afternoon, we found out all about King Alfred the Great and why he is the only king given this title - we found out about his life achievements and also discussed how reliable the sources were.

Week beginning 13th March


smiley Homework Stars smiley


This week we wanted to share with you a fantastic animation which took a lot of time and effort and includes over 800 photographs!  We hope you enjoy it.

Will and Sam

Still image for this video

On Thursday afternoon, we were very lucky to try out different Anglo-Saxon crafts including weaving, spinning and wattle and daub.  We all got dressed up in authentic costumes and even had Anglo-Saxon names for the afternoon.  You can see the results of all our hard work on display in the classroom.

Week beginning 6th March


smiley Homework Stars smiley

This is one of my favourite homework tasks of every term - use a learning power at home! 

As always, there was a real range of submissions - from frogspawn to Buckingham Palace and jellybeans to oat cakes! 






Special mention must go to these two who work together each week to create a video for our entertainment!

This week, year 6 finished our theme park leaflets and in maths learnt about interpreting statistics, including pie charts and finding the mean average. Year 5 continued their work on area and perimeter and in English have been working on paired writing; this involves co-creating characters, settings and situations which can then be developed individually or in tandem.  In addition, the pupils have had great fun using masks in drama to develop physical technique - as you can see from the photos below. 

One of the highlights of the week was our first lesson about the Vikings, which involved pretending to be Anglo-Saxon spies.  Each spy had to sneak a look at a Viking boat for 5 seconds at a time and then describe it to their partner in 1 minute - before going back for another look! It was fast and furious learning and the descriptive and technical language used was fantastic! As you can see, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

Week beginning Monday 27th Feb


smileyHomework Stars!smiley


This week's task was to create a fact file about the Vikings, as we will be moving on from the Anglo-Saxon to the Viking period in our topic lessons next week.  There were some fantastic interpretations including two extremely entertaining and improvised videos!  Well done everyone!



Our slideshow of photos this week shows the range of activities we have been up to in the afternoons, these included: learning how to talk about our families in French; playing a french traditional song on the ocharina and composing our own battle songs using a range of instruments in music.

In year 6 we have finally got to grips with algebra - It was a lot easier than we thought it was going to be!  In English, we have created our own theme parks based on a range of ideas, from Harry Potter and fairy tales to fast cars and, would you believe it, coins and cats!  We have had a lot of fun thinking of rides and attractions that would persuade people to visit and will share the final products next week.


In year 5, the children have been finding out about area and perimeter in maths with Mrs Whitefield and some children even chose to spend their lunch time calculating the area of the playground because they were enjoying themselves so much!  With Mr Wride, Year 5 have been working on their creative writing skills through poetry and the writing of 'blurbs' to accompany their own imaginary novels.  They have written two poems using structure and pattern, as well as creating their own lively imagery and have explored contrasting human emotions. 

smiley HOMEWORK STARS! smiley


This week's homework was to explore the word of the week 'history' - it was interpreted in a number of fantastic ways including an edited video of interviews on the subject, a dinosaur sewn by hand and an incredibly detailed sketch of a castle amongst others. Well done everyone!







 This week has been a busy one - straight back to work after half term! Before half term, as part of our topic 'Let the Battle Commence...' We found out about the incredible Saxon treasure that was found at Sutton Hoo.  This week we started writing newspaper reports telling the story of Mrs Edith Pretty and local archaeologist Dr Basil Brown who made the incredible discovery in 1939.


















Welcome back after half term! Here are some photos from Genius week - where we discovered all our talents and shared our interests!



Excited and ready to go, we started Genius week by looking at the skills and talents we already had and were surprised to find we had lots of Geniuses among us. We taught our skills to other members of the class and enjoyed being the experts. Circus skills had us juggling, spinning and balancing....

Stroud Fringe watch out! Later in the week we tried out different music and sporting activities. On Thursday we were lucky enough to have some of our lovely parents come in and share their skills.....we weren't even embarrassed by them...we were proud!





Be Kind

Be Yourself

Be Part of Our Community


Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

