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Uplands Primary School

Eagles Blog

Monday 10th - Friday 14th February


Hello Happy Valentines Day!

In maths, the year 6s have been doing a lot of assessment tests and the year 5s have been reflecting shapes on mirror lines.


The year 6 also have their leavers hoodies - they came as a big surprise!


In DT, we have been using Tinkercad to creating 3D viking longboats.


In R.E. we made posters about festivals: Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, which was really fun.


Have a great half term everyone!


CAD design using Tinkercad

Monday 3rd - Friday 7th February


Hi everyone and welcome back!


In English, we have been writing our own descriptive sentences based on the story Varmints by Helen Ward.


In maths, the year 6s have been learning how to divide fractions by whole number and the year 5s have been  multiplying two digits by two digits, as well as solving word problems. 


In vocab, we have new words: monument, blunder, culpable, penalty, scarce, subconscious, intentions, legible and stubborn.


Our new class novel is the book Holes by Louis Sachar. In guided reading, the year 6s have been reading Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick and the year5s have been reading Emil and the Detectives.


In art we made a research page in our art sketchbooks and found out more about Harriet Powers, (an American folk artist and quilter).

Have a great weekend from Ellie, Dahlia and all of Eagles class.








Monday 27th - Friday 31st January

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Check out our Anglo Saxon brooches!

Monday 20th - Friday 24th January


Hi, we hope you’ve had a great week!


In English, we have continued writing our balanced argument on screen use.


In maths, the year 5s have been doing dividing with remainders and the year 6s have been adding improper fractions together.


In guided reading, we have been reading a book called Floodland and the year fives have been reading Emil and the Detectives.

In PSHE, we have been learning the differences about cyber bullying and bullying, stranger danger on devices and who to tell when people are being mean.


In R.E, we made our own Jewish menu’s which were really fun to create. Our new culture is Judaism.


In art, we have been making Anglo Saxon brooches out of air dry clay and we will be painting them too!


In French, we have been revisiting the days of the week and retelling stories.


See you next week! 
From The Roving Reporters




Monday 13th - Friday 17th January


Hello everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog.

In English, we are writing balanced arguments about how much screen time children have. We took a test to see how much everyone had. We also watched a video on it and 71% of year 7s have more than 4 hours, so we used that in our writing.


In maths, the year 5s have been multiplying three digit numbers by two digit numbers and the year 6s have been adding mixed fractions with the same denominators.


In reading, we all have a new book, the year 6s have been reading Floodland and the year 5s have been reading Emil And The Detectives. 


In vocab, we have been learning about the words : Intrigue, haul, concerned, cavernous, remarkable, conscience, pensive, infectious and encircle.


In art, we have finished making our research pages with pictures. They were about Anglo-Saxon jewellery which is mostly made out of gold! In our topic, we are learning about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings so this is why we made research pages.


In PSHE, we have been talking about bullying and cyber-bullying and deciding if a scenario is bullying, cyber-bullying, both or even bullying at all.


Have a great weekend!

From Ellie,Sienna,Charlotte and Dahlia😊













Tuesday 7th - Friday 10th January

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Our core value nominations this week!

Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New Year!🎅 From all of Eagles class.

Christmas lunch!

Monday 9th - Friday 13th December 


Hello everyone! Welcome to our weekly blog. This week we have been doing lots of singing as it is our concert on Tuesday.


In maths, the year 5 and 6 children have done math tests and in English we have been finishing our Dodo non-chron report; now we’re getting ready to have a fun last week of school before Christmas!


In music, we have been singing Christmas songs at Grange View Care home and Northfield Care home getting ready for our Christmas play (don’t forget to come!).


Today we had a book swap so some of the children brought in books they don’t want any more and swapped them for a new ones.


In guided reading, we have been reading the book Clockwork, or All Wound Up by Philip Pullman- this is being read by year 6 children. Year 5s have been reading the book Fastest boy in the world by Elizabeth Laird.

In R.E, we have been learning about Mahatma Gandhi and what he did. He protested peacefully against the British, fighting for India to be ruled by Indians.

Have a super weekend!


From the Roving Reporters







Core value nominations this week.

Monday 2nd - Friday 6th December


Hello everyone and welcome back to our blog.


We have just had our school Christmas disco, which was so much fun!

In maths, the year fives have been dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. However, the year sixes have been finding out percentages of whole numbers, which is very tricky!


In English, we have been writing about the dodo and about how they became extinct. We have also been focusing on commas, dashes and brackets we have also been learning different punctuation.


Meanwhile, in spelling we’ve been learning words: lightning, soldier, curiosity, vegetable, guarantee, especially, committee, recommend, apparent and parliament. We have been learning these words all week, including on Spelling shed! Don’t forget to do your homework: both Spelling Shed and Prodigy.


Lately, we have been learning lots of songs for our Christmas concert: I can’t say the names as it would be a giveaway.


In art, we have made models out of mod-rock and metal bendy wires. It was very messy! They were inspired by the artist Alberto Giacometti, who made sketches and models similar to these.


We are excitedly getting ready for our Christmas Dinner by creating Christmas Crowns! 

See you next week!



Our kindness core value winners!


Monday 25th - Friday 29th November

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DT - designing and making our own savoury muffins!

Core value winners this week!

Monday 18th November - Friday 22nd November


Snow Fun!

Monday 10th - Friday 15th November


Welcome to our blog!



In PSHE this week we’ve been busy with Anti-bullying week. We have been writing rap songs, making pledges and drawing posters.



In english this week we have been writing some descriptive stories we have tried focusing on semi colons, colons and fronted adverbs.


In maths this week the year 6 children have been learning how to order hard fractions from smallest to largest. In maths the year 5 children have been learning how to add and subtract decimal numbers.


In vocab this week we have been learning different 10 words -Variation, savage, pessimist, optimist, foal, unconscious, temperament, envious, fumble and amateur- they are only this weeks words because we have different words every week.



In music this week we have been doing the Ukulele and learning fun songs.



In science this week we have been learning all about the body in particular. We have been learning all about the digestive system and how you digest your food and drink.


This is the end of this weeks blog. 
From Charlotte and Dahlia





Monday 4th - Friday 8th November 
Welcome back to our weekly blog. 

This week in English we have been looking at a story called The Journey. It’s about a girl and her mother during the war; their father dies and they have had to leave the country. It is very sad but we have had so much fun writing and planning it.


In maths, the year 5s have been adding and subtracting five digit numbers from five digit numbers. They have been getting on with it very well. The year 6s have been comparing fractions using the greater than and less than symbols.


In DT, we have been making planning sheets for healthy savoury snacks. We made a list of some healthy snacks and did a tally of what other people liked the most. 

In guided reading the year 6s are very happy because they’ve started a new book called Clockwork; the year 5s are reading The Fastest Boy in the World.


Have a great weekend,

Ellie and Sienna 





In art, we created a prototype for a sculpture of a figure.

Well done to the children nominated this week for the core value of kindness.

Well done to the children nominated for the core value of kindness!

Rainbow Wriggle Run!

Monday 7th - Friday 11th October 


Hello everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog. 

This week in English, we have had a debate. Should Xenotransplantation be allowed or not? I (Ellie), believe that it shouldn’t be allowed and Sienna doesn’t either.

In Maths the year 6 children have been looking at co-ordinates and the year 5 children have compared and ordered decimals from smallest to largest.


In art, we have been sketching people in different poses. We drew a stick figure and buffed it out with sausage-shaped ovals and circles to help us with proportion - take a look at some pictures below.


We are well into our class novel, Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman; it’s making us all very curious!


See you next week for more fun adventures and gossip!


From Ellie and Sienna


Well done to all of Eagles class for demonstrating our school core values this week!

Core Value Winners! These children have all demonstrated the value of kindness this week - well done!

We The Curious Trip

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th September


Hello everyone, welcome back to our weekly blog.


In English, Year 5 and 6 have been writing about the Galápagos Island finches, and how they have adapted and how they have evolved during climate change and global warming. These pieces of writing are narrative poems based on the poem, Moth.



This week in maths the Yr5 children have been doing Roman numerals; Yr6 children have been doing common factors and common multiples.


In history, we have been researching Charles Darwin and writing essays about him.



In computing, we have been learning how to use spreadsheets efficiently and we have been creating our own.


We hope you all have a great weekend!

Dahlia and Charlotte (Roving Reporters)

Videos of us reciting our poem of the term

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Monday 16th - Friday 20th September

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Hello we are the new Roving Reporters, (Ellie, Sienna, Dahlia and Charlotte). We hope you all had a great week.


Our poem this term is Leisure by WH Davies. Earlier this week, Eagles planned and wrote their own - take a look at some of the wonderful poems below!


Have a super weekend all!

Welcome back to Eagles blog, we hope you had a great summer break!


This week in English, the year 6 children have enjoyed writing their buddy application letters to Mr Powell and the year 5 children have been writing descriptively. 

In maths, both classes have been looking at the value of 5 and 7 digit numbers, reading and writing numbers in words.


Our new topic this term is ‘Survival of The Fittest’ and the children have enjoyed researching about the heart as well as foods that help maintain a balanced diet in DT. 

We hope you all have a great weekend!

From all of Eagles class. 

Happy summer holidays everyone!

We wish all the year 6 children the very best of luck in their new secondary schools - you will all be missed very much!

Year 5 DT - Bridge Making

The year 5s have worked hard this week designing and making their bridges. Can you spot the different types? We have suspension bridges, truss bridges and a tied arch bridge. We had to carefully measure, use saws and hot glue guns (and Miss Dempster only burnt herself twice!).

Wagamama Trip

Monday 1st - Friday 5th July

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Bridge making in DT

Monday 24th - Friday 28th June


Hello everyone welcome back to the weekly update of Eagles class. On Thursday morning (yesterday morning) the Year 5s went to Archway for an activity morning - take a look at the photos below.

The year 6 have been doing scratch with the year 5s and we have also made a start on the play year 6 play. In maths, we have been working hard on learning different angles and looking at different tables (including line graphs).

In topic, we have been learning about the Greek Alphabet system and made our own secret messages for our partner to solve. In PE, we have continued to work on our throwing and catching skills and even played a big rounders match with Kestrels class.



Have a great week and enjoy the summer sizzle!


 From Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney!


Year 5 Activity Morning at Archway

Monday 17th - Friday 21st June

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Monday 3rd - Friday 7th June


Hello everyone and welcome back to Eagles blog! I’ve hope you had some peace over the half term, now we will tell you what us Eagles have been doing!


This week in writing, we have been writing descriptive settings and including lots of different words to create atmosphere.


In maths, we have been learning about different angles: acute, right, obtuse, reflex and angles on a straight line.


In computing, we have continued to learn more on scratch about variables and how they can be changed. In history, we learnt about different artefacts including coins, jewellery, pottery and statues. 

In art, we have carried on with with our backing for our graffiti name and in P.E, we learnt how to play shonk ball. 

Have a great weekend from Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.




Monday 13th - Friday 17th July

Welcome to Eagles news. In our blog today we will tell you what we have done this week.

All the year 6 children have worked really hard and persevered this week with SATS; they all enjoyed celebrating with pizza, ice cream and a movie! Take a look at the photos below. 

In topic, Eagles have been learning all about self-confidence in PSHE and have also started a Banksy inspired art piece. In PE, all the children took part in some athletic races - it was great fun!


Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!


From Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney



Tuesday 7th - Friday 10th May


Hello everyone, welcome back to our weekly blog. Read on for nourishing news from Eagles...


Magnificent Maths

In maths the Yr6s have been revising (a lot) for SATS next week (wish us good luck-not that we need it). The Yr5s have been learning how to calculate the area of shapes; they have also done LBQ (learning by questions).


Enchanting English

In English we have been writing our stories based of the video Alma about a girl turning into a doll, as well as that the Yr6s have been revising SPAG and playing lots of fun games based on reality game shows (it got competitive).


Amazing Art

During art we have been discovery facts about Banksy and turning those facts into posters. We also had a debate on whether graffiti is art or vandalism, what do you think?


Violet Vocab

In vocab this week we have learnt loads of new words:












Perfect PSHE 

During PSHE, we made posters describing how five ways to well-being contribute to a healthy lifestyle. For example; being active, giving to others, learning new skills, take notice and connecting with friends and family.


Hope you enjoy your weekend and enjoy the sunshine! ☀️ 


From Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.











Monday 29th - Friday 3rd May

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Monday 22nd - Friday 26th April


Hello everyone, welcome back to our blog. We hope you’ve had a great week.


In maths this week, year 6 have been interpreting line graphs and pie charts and the year 5 children have learnt how to multiply factions by a whole number. 

In English, we made up our own mythical creature and have started to plan a set of instructions which will tell you how to capture our mythical beasts, including: a what you need list, ordered instructions, extra facts and top tips.


In the afternoons, we have continued to look at Ancient Greece and also other periods of history. In art, we have started to look at street art and graffiti, looking at the work of Banksy, Keith Haring and many more. We also had an interesting class discussion about whether we think certain types of graffiti is art or vandalism. In PE, we have been doing lots of athletics; learning how to properly run a relay race, pacing ourselves in long distance running and much more.


Hope you have a great weekend!


Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.




Monday 15th - Friday 19th April


Hello and welcome back to our blog.


This week in Eagles class, we have been writing our own newspaper report based on a traditional fairytale. 

In maths, the year 6 children have been working hard on algebra and the year 5s have been subtracting fractions - tricky stuff!

In topic this week, we have researched significant events during Ancient Greece and created a class timeline. 

In PSHE we have been learning about drugs and how they affect people, we have also been learning about our lives in the future. In Music, we have been learning to play the ukulele. This week we were learning the notes C, F and G.

Moving onto PE. In PE, we have been doing athletics, including hurdles, running styles, throwing beanbags, fast jumping and long jumps.


This Wednesday, Atlas Sports hosted a Girls football competition. Upland’s team of 8 won all but one of their games, losing in the semi-finals. Luckily, they got bronze medals by drawing with Thrupp school. Hooray!


Hope you have a great weekend from Lily J, Dahlia and Ella.





Monday 8th - Friday 12th April

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Happy Easter Everyone!

See you back on Monday 8th April.

Egyptian Dance


Our PE unit this term has been dance. The children have choreographed their own routine to the song Walk Like an Egyptian. Enjoy!


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Monday 11th - Friday 15th March


Hello everyone welcome back to this week! We have done some very fun things. So step in our magical door to the year 6s classroom with Nerys, Sidney and Bonnie.


Yr 5  

The year 5s have been busy calculating the perimeter and converting grams to kilograms and millilitres to litres. They (as usual) carried on reading Emil and The Detectives. In English, we planned and wrote up a short story (Bonnie will explain more of that with the year 6s). 


Yr 6

In year 6 we have been doing lots of maths: converting different measurements like grams to kilograms etc. In English we have been writing short stories about mythical creatures: unicorns, goblins, fairies and more .


Our vocab words for this week are:











This morning, we had someone come in to do some fencing with us all - we had great fun! Take a look at the photos below.


We hope you have a great weekend!


Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.



Monday 4th - Friday 8th March

Hello, we are back to tell you all about our week in Eagles. 

On Thursday, kestrels were taken to The Country Dance Festival at the lesuire centre, we heard it was very fun. On Wednesday Mrs Knight took a few Eagles for a hockey festival apparently they did really well.
Now let’s hear about the Yr 6s with Nerys…


Yr 6 

During this week we have been doing ratio/problem solving then today we started algebra- which was tricky! As usual we carried on reading Strange Star ⭐️ and answering questions to the chapter we read. 

Year 5

The year fives have been doing direct speech in English (so have the year 6s 🙂), they have also been doing Emil and The Detectives. Finally in maths, the year 5s have learnt equivalent fractions and percentages.


We also had an exciting afternoon today where we all learnt how to play the trumpet - take a look at the pictures below!


Well that’s it for us, have a good rest of the day see you next week.😃


Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.








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Monday 26th February - Friday 1st March


Hello and welcome back to our class blog.


We’ve had another great week of learning in Eagles. In English, both the year 5 and 6 children have finished their biographies about Tutankhamun. In maths, the year 6s have been learning about equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. The year 5s have also been working hard on decimals and percentages - tricky stuff!


In topic, we’ve continued to learn about the Egyptians and learnt about air resistance in science. Later on this week, we completed our moving pneumatic toys - take a look at some of them below!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney!



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Tuesday 20th - Friday 23rd February

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Monday 5th - Friday 9th February


Welcome back to our weekly news, we hope you’ve had a great week.


In English, we have been writing our own blogs about pet peeves, things that really drive us crazy! What are your pet peeves?


Year 5s have been reflecting and translating shapes in maths and year 6 have been subtracting mixed fractions from mixed fractions by turning them into improper fractions then subtracting them.  

Other Subjects 

In Art we started (and some finished) our Egyptian art, we created some intricate patterns. We also had a talk from the police today about internet safety and have been working hard on balancing in gymnastics.

That is it from this weeks news.


Bonnie, Nerys and Sidney.


Friday 2nd February

Hello everyone welcome back to another weekly blog. We all hope you had a wonderful week just like us here in Eagles class. Read on for more.


Year 6 

This week the Y5s and Y6s have planned a blog in English about our pet peeves and what annoys us. In maths we have been adding fractions (parents, time to shine coming up for you) What is 1 1/3 + 2 3/4? You are not getting away with this, have a go yourself - the answer is at the end of this blog. 

Year 5 

The Year 5s have been dividing four digit numbers by one digit numbers using short division. 

Other subjects 

In art, we have been practicing Egyptian style patterns and in DT we have being discovering pressurised air systems using syringes and tubes. In Geography, we looked at non-renewable and renewable resources such as solar energy, wind energy, coal energy, geothermal energy and oil energy.

That is it from this weeks news (here is the answer to our maths question, 4 1/12).


Have a great weekend all!


The excellent Nerys Williams!

The amazing Bonnie Stewart!

The incredible Florence Reeve!







Music Enrichment Week


Monday 22nd - Friday 26th January


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Monday 15th - Friday 19th January

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Monday 9th - Friday 12th January


Hello welcome back to this weeks news. We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas 🎄and a Happy New Year 🥳 .

So far this week …


Year 5s have been multiplying two digit numbers by two digit numbers, (who would have thought) they have started a new guided reading book called Emil and The Detectives. And as well as the year 6s they have been studying a poem called Caged Bird by Maya Angelou, making their own versions and trying to learn it off by heart ❤️.


In year six we have been doing protractor work, order of operations and problem solving. We have started a new guided reading book 📕 named Strange Star🌟.  

In the afternoons, we have started our new topic learning about The Ancient Egyptians.


That is it from this weeks blog.

Have a great weekend and see you Monday. 

Nerys, Bonnie and Sidney.

Merry Christmas from all of Eagles!

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Monday 11th - Friday 15th December

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Monday 4th - Friday 8th December

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Monday 27th November - Friday 1st December


This week in English, we have been finishing writing our own versions of the Hansel and Gretel stories. We chose to either write updated versions set in the modern world; versions where the characters were swapped around; the back story of the witch; or, alternative endings to the original story. We have been working hard on our presentation with a big focus on joining up our handwriting and spelling.


In maths, Year 6 have been working on calculating missing angles in regular polygons. Year 5 have been looking at prime numbers - tricky stuff!


In history, we wrote a short essay about the Space Race. We included information about Sputnik, animals that were sent up to space, the first humans in space and Apollo 11. 


We have also all been given our parts for the Christmas play. We were allowed to choose whether we wanted a speaking or non-speaking part and have been given our scripts. We now need to learn our lines and remember to bring our script in with us to school every day!


See you next week,


Monday 20th - Friday 24th November

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Aerospace Trip


On Thursday, we visited Areospace in Bristol. We were really lucky to see lots of planes from WW1 as well as old helicopters, submarines, missiles and satellites. Interestingly, we learnt that Concorde went at a speed of 1340mph. It also had only one hundred seats and very small windows - it was pretty awesome!

During our time at the museum, we also took part in a rocket workshop where we made our very own rockets, launched them and talked about different forces including gravity, air-resistance and thrust.


Have a great weekend!

From Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie.

Monday 6th November to Friday 10th November 


Welcome back after the half term holiday.


This week, in science we looked at the different phases of the moon. In maths, year 6 have been busy looking at fractions and how we can compare and order them by size. In year 5, we have been perfecting our addition skills and adding four-digit numbers together.  In English, we looked at how to create subordinating clauses in our sentences and we started a new unit of work on the book Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman.


We had brilliant fun going to the Sub Rooms on Thursday for a talk by the author Maz Evans - Miss Dempster even bought one of her books and got her to sign it!


In PSHE, we talked about friendship and the qualities of a good friend.

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th October

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Rainbow Fun Run!


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Monday 16th - Friday 20th October

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Monday 9th - Friday 13th October

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Check out our Peter Thorpe inspired art!

Monday 2nd October to Friday 6th October


We've had another busy week in Eagles!  In English, we have been working hard on our non-chronological reports about a made up planet. 


In history, we looked at the different animals that have been sent up into space: dogs, monkeys, fruit flies and even a tortoise! We were pleased to discover that some of the animals survived their trip.  In art, we have continued looking at the work of Peter Thorpe.  We've created our own versions of his work using oil pastels.


In French, we have written some very impressive metaphor poems about le soleil and la lune!  Have a read of a few of them below.


Lastly, in science, we worked in teams to do a practical demonstration of how the movement of the Earth creates night and day using a globe, a minifigure and a torch - it was fun!


Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Monday 25th - Friday 29th September

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Monday 18th - Friday 22nd September 

Welcome back to week 3, hope you’ve had a wonderful week (see I added a bit of alliteration) this is what we’ve been doing.


Yr 6 

In year 6 we got our buddies which was really heartwarming when we were all playing on the  playground with them and chasing after a couple of them who are “very” energetic. It’s our new workout. Our year 6 class reading book is called “Crater Lake” and we all love it, right now we are on a cliffhanger and we have to wait until Monday. We really recommend it (that’s one of our spell well words recommend) it’s is a bit creepy but it is very funny and it’s about children on their PGL trip.



In PE we did bench ball which was very fun and we got a bit carried away. Later on in the year we will be doing swimming.


In computing we have been learning how to stay safe online which is a very important lesson.

In DT we have been researching moon buggy’s hopefully being able to make them soon.


Yr 5

The year 5s class book is ‘The Week At Worlds End’.In maths the year 5s have been doing rounding. In guided reading they have been reading and answering questions on The Fastest Boy In The World. Also in English we have been writing the next chapter of Cosmic (our class book). In art we have been learning about Peter Thorpe.


Hope you have a wonderful weekend that’s it from the year 5/6 byeeeeeeeeee!

From Sidney, Nerys and Bonnie















Monday 11th - Friday 15th September

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Welcome back to our blog! We hope you all had a wonderful summer break!

Collaboration Challenge!

Have a wonderful summer holidays everyone, from all of Eagles! 😃

Lansdown Hall & Gallery 2023


It has been a great week at the Lansdown art gallery, people have been coming in to view it all week and we have had lots of lovely comments- members of the public have even bought some of our art! Take a look at the wonderful art below.


Have a great weekend.

From Noah and Ewan (Roving Reporters)