Uplands Nursery opening soon, please contact us for further information and a registration form
Uplands Primary School


Welcome to Kestrels!



Teacher – Mr Moorcroft 

TAs – Mrs Croft, Mrs Lightfoot, Miss Stevens, Mrs Knight 



In Kestrels class we encourage independence, creativity and confidence. Our aim is to inspire children to be the best they can be whilst learning and having fun. Please feel free to come and speak to us if you have any questions or queries.  


Key Information:



  • Homework in Kestrels is to play Times Table Rockstar.  Each child will have their own log on for the game and should play it at least ten games a week (but the more the better!).  This is checked every Monday. 


If your child hasn't completed their 10 games and 4 Reading sections we will give them some time in school to catch up! 


Physical Education:

  • Every Tuesday and Thursday your child will have PE.
  • They will need: shorts or joggers, daps or trainers and a T Shirt.
  • In terms 3 and 4 on a Wednesday your child will walk to swimming.
  • They will need: costume, towel, goggles, snack and a coat if the weather is poor.


To see more about the Kestrels class, take a look at the Kestrels blog page which is updated with information about the children's learning regularly.

Knowledge Organsier

Every term we create a knowledge organiser that contains the key information that we need to learn in our science and humanities topic. This term our topic is called Extreme Earth! Please see below for the knowledge organiser for this topic. 

Be Kind

Be Yourself

Be Part of Our Community


Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

