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Uplands Primary School

Monday 16th - Friday 20th September

In Kestrels class this week, we have done lots of learning!


In English we have been learning about features of descriptive writing and have used some amazing adjectives in our planning. We have also been learning new words in our vocabulary lessons and finding out the meanings of them. The words we have learnt are detest, loathe, idle, pungent, spouted, darted and immense!


In maths we have been learning about lines of symmetry, parallel and perpendicular lines. Earlier in the week we partitioned lots of numbers, big numbers!


In topic we have been learning about Boudicca - Queen of the Iceni tribe and looked at how the Romans invaded Britain by creating storyboards. In PE, we have been doing netball with Mrs Knight and practised a chest pass, shoulder pass and a bounce pass. In French we learnt numbers to twenty and played some fun bingo games. We also had some french conversations with our friends and learnt some new phrases.


Bonne journe!


Have a wonderful weekend.


From Emilia and Emily B

Be Kind

Be Yourself

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Uplands Primary School

Thompson Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire,

